economy and politics

Workers’ remittances mark another maximum

Workers' remittances mark another maximum

During July Ihe remittances sent by Colombian workers from abroad reached US$889 millionwhich constitutes the highest amount since the Banco de la República consolidates the data.

Until now, the highest value had been last May, with US$841 million.
The figure for July is US$148 million higher than the same month in 2021 chen US$741 million came in.

In addition, the figure for the seventh month of this year increased by US$67 million compared to June, when US$821.59 million arrived.

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According to the records of the Banco de la República, so far in 2022, workers’ remittances sent to Colombia accumulate a total of US$5,352 million, a figure that represents an increase of 10.2% compared to the same period of 2021, when those resources sent to the country accumulated US$4,857 million.

It must be remembered that during 2021 Colombians abroad sent a figure record of remittances to the country with US$8,597 million, confirming that this workforce, like that of other countries, has become an important source of resources.
According to the records of the Banco de la República, last year’s figure represents a growth of 24.4% compared to that registered in 2020 (US$6,908 million).


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