Extends the 15% personal income tax deduction on the purchase of an electrified car until December 31, 2025
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This Monday, the Government extended the validity of the Moves III Plan aid for the purchase of electric vehicles, fuel cells and charging points until June 30, 2025, as detailed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge in a press release.
Thus, the Executive affirms that it maintains its support for sustainable mobility, since it has announced, together with this “temporary extension” of the Moves III Program, the extension of the 15% deduction on the purchase of an electric vehicle until December 31 of 2025.
In particular, the Government details that Moves III – with a total endowment of 1,550 million euros – remains in force until June 30, 2025, a period in which the autonomous communities will be able to continue responding to the requests for help that they receive for the acquisition of a zero-emission vehicle.
Thus, the Government responds to the call of the automobile sector in Spain, which requested an extension of this program in the absence of one that would encourage the demand for electric vehicles in the country.
The last extension of the Moves III Plan to help the acquisition of an electric vehicle was launched last June with an allocation of 1.5 billion euros, after the resignation of the previous president of the Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (Anfac) and CEO of Seat/Cupra, Wayne Griffiths.
The current president of the employers’ association and CEO of Group Renault in Spain, Josep Maria Recasens, had already announced a few weeks ago that he was in negotiations with the Government to find a solution that would extend the incentive for the purchase of electric cars in the face of a demand weak in Spain of this type of vehicle.
Recasens had insisted that the foundations of a future aid and incentive plan for the purchase of electric vehicles in the country depended on the success of the Restart Auto+ Plan for those affected by DANA in Valencia.
This is because in the structure and the way in which aid has been granted with the Restart Auto+ Plan for those affected by DANA in Valencia “the ingredients and necessary legitimacy are found for the next Moves program to be much more impactful.” , much more efficient than it has been until now,” commented Recasens, who also stated that from the last meeting with the Ministry of Industry he had obtained a commitment from the Government that said program would be extended.
In this sense, Anfac evaluates “positively” the decision adopted this Monday in the Council of Ministers to extend the Moves III plan for the next six months and also the deduction of 15% of personal income tax up to 3,000 euros for the purchase of electric vehicles to individuals throughout 2025.
“It was vital to have continuity in aid in a year as important for the industry as 2025, in which European emissions regulations are tightened and in which the share of electric vehicles has to double, at least in Spain, if we want to achieve the objectives. that the Pniec (National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan) sets for us,” the association explained.
Therefore, at Anfac they believe that in a scenario “as complex and competitive” as the one that the European and Spanish automotive sector is going through, the only way to ensure ongoing investments and current and future employment is to accelerate together.
“This is why Anfac’s priority is to achieve a new, more efficient purchase aid scheme in 2025 that, if possible, includes a stable financing mechanism, consistent with the growing effort that must be made until 2035. Obviously, this new scheme should include heavy vehicles, which do not have demand support,” the employers’ association concluded.
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