economy and politics

‘The proposed measures should help improve the purchasing power of workers’

Fabio Arias

This Wednesday a new consultation meeting was held to establish the minimum wage in Colombia for next year, in a context where the labor confederations made official their proposal for a double-digit increase.

For this new annual negotiation, the workers proposed a 12% increase without flexibility. According to Fabio Arias, president of the Unitary Central of Workers (CUT)this is due to the inflation and productivity figures that, according to him, “have been much higher“.

(You may be interested in: Businessmen propose establishing the minimum wage in 2025 by agreement).

We proposed that the issues of housing rental fees be reviewed, as well as the products regulated by the State, so that they are never higher than inflation and that the pensioners’ proposals be looked at regarding the pension allowance and allowance 14 and that their contributions to health and compensation funds be reduced”, he noted.

(Read also: Unions uncovered their proposal for the minimum wage: they ask for a 12% increase by 2025).

Fabio Arias

Milton Díaz / CEET

He also called on the Bank of the Republic to continue reducing the monetary policy interest rate, “because it has been a handbrake for economic recovery“.

Finally, he mentioned that these measures, as mentioned, must go hand in hand with strengthening the purchasing power of workers.

(We recommend: Minimum wage: unions ask for 12% and companies play for consensus).

It is worth mentioning that there are just under 20 days left for both the year and the deadline to define an increase. On the business side, a specific figure has not been revealed, but there is an initiative to continue negotiating.


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