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Why is it so difficult for this type of user in particular to abandon Windows 10?


Microsoft is still making the effort to make all Windows 10 users switch to Windows 11 and in October they will have to pay for security because There will no longer be support for this functionalityonly for the most recent version.

The point is that there are still millions of computers that have Windows 10 and it seems that migrating to a new operating system is being a complicated issue for many gamers.

But what makes Windows 10 so hard to give up? This version may have something special that has made the players decide to stay longer than they thought.

If you want to know what these reasons could be, in the following information you will see the possible causes.

Steam users do not want to upgrade to Windows 11

Computer Today

According to information revealed by How to Geeka great, in a Steam User Survey 2024a large part of the uUsers of the platform are still using Windows 10despite the fact that it has already been announced that there will be no support for Windows 10 from October 2025.

The fear of optimization errors with video games issomething that has caused many to stay with the same operating systemin addition to having to download everything again and meet demanding requirements.

Despite this, once the date is close, users will probably begin to migrate because it will be necessary for the next installments of the gaming world.

Compatibility and performance errors

Long live Windows 10: Microsoft in shock, Windows 11 market share drops again

Computer Today

Over the past few months, Windows 11 has had numerous issues with the performance and compatibility of many video games.

In fact, serious errors have occurred in DELL-branded devices and Ubisoft’s most popular AAA titles, which has caused many to fear losing progress or not being able to play with the same peace of mind as they do in Windows 10.

Therefore, it is a decision that is not made lightly for many players, so the updating process will be slower along with the Steam community.

The comfort and familiarization have made many players stay

Windows gamers

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It is notable that gamers They want to stay in a comfortable and safe place when it comes to investing hours of play.

In turn, it is possible that the effort of having to adapt to all the news that Windows 11 has brought something that not everyone wants to go through

In conclusion, while gamers feel good using Windows 10, there will be nothing that will move them unless it involves incompatibility of relevant games or updates.

However, the transition for this community will come sooner or later because it will be necessary for the industry.

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Tags: Video games, Operating systems, Windows 11, Windows 10

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