This Friday, December 6, Netflix will enrich its Studio Ghibli collection with the premiere of the documentary Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron. In this film, director Kaku Arakawa has set out to show a unique window into the creative process of the legendary Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, known for classics such as My neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.
The 120-minute documentary follows the six long years that Miyazaki dedicated to the creation of his latest film, The boy and the heron. This feature film not only marked the maestro’s triumphant return to cinema after announcing that he would retire in 2013, but also earned him his second Oscar for Best Animated Feature. The work broke box office records in Japan and internationally, becoming one of the most successful in anime history.
Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron is a tribute to the dedication and genius of one of animation’s most influential filmmakers. The documentary, produced by NHK, includes interviews with close collaborators, such as Toshio Suzuki, producer and key partner at Studio Ghibli.
Additionally, those who see this production will have the unique opportunity to access the workshop where Miyazaki brings his incredible characters and stories to life. The cinematography, by Kaku Arakawa and Taro Tokuhisa, captures the director’s creative environment in exquisite detail.
Hayao Miyazaki, born in Tokyo on January 5, 1941, is considered one of the great masters of animation not only in Japan but worldwide. His career, which spans more than five decades, primarily includes stories that explore themes such as the relationship between humanity and nature, the impact of technology, and the importance of maintaining ethical values in a complex world. His characters often face moral dilemmas.
The Japanese director’s cinema has been widely recognized by both critics and the public. Spirited Awayfor example, not only surpassed Titanic at the box office in Japan, but also became the first traditionally animated film to win an Oscar. Other of his most iconic films, such as Princess Mononoke and The moving castlehave also become icons and references in the film industry.
The documentary also explores the personal and professional challenges Miyazaki faced during the production of The boy and the heron. At 80 years old, the director demonstrated that his passion for telling stories and his commitment to artistic excellence remain intact. This work is loaded with symbolism and invites reflection and is considered by many to be a fitting farewell to an author whose influence has transcended borders.
Miyazaki’s return to film was officially announced by Studio Ghibli in 2017, after the director decided to return to work following his apparent retirement. Furthermore, the success of The boy and the heron cemented his legacy as one of the greatest visual storytellers of our time.
Hayao Miyazaki’s impact on popular culture is unquestionable. Often compared to figures such as Walt Disney or Steven Spielberg, his focus on the most real human experiences and the way in which he approaches each subject has allowed him to connect very well with audiences of all ages and has led to his films being considered as authentic timeless classics. In 2014, he received an honorary Oscar in recognition of his career and in 2023, he was awarded the Donostia Award at the San Sebastián Film Festival.
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