economy and politics

Convicted for ripping off his mother-in-law the lawyer who denounced the feminist 8M

Víctor Valladares, the lawyer who in 2020 brought the feminist March 8 call to justice for the spread of the coronavirus, has received a new conviction for deceiving clients and falsifying judicial documentation when he was practicing as a lawyer. After being sentenced, among other things, for deceiving those affected by floor clauses or a couple who denounced their son’s bullying, Valladares has now been sentenced to half a year in prison for falsifying a sentence and making his mother-in-law believe that he had won a labor lawsuit against his former company. Recently the Supreme Court has confirmed two more sentences, which add up to three years in prison between the two, for deceiving clients when he was practicing as a lawyer.

The judge files the investigation against the Government by the 8M

The judge files the investigation against the Government by the 8M

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This former lawyer, now convicted and sanctioned several times by the courts and the Madrid Bar Association, was the one who filed the complaint that led to the legal case against the Government and the call for feminist March 8, 2020. An essential piece of the judicial front against the action of the central Executive that accused the Government Delegate, José Manuel Franco, of allowing this concentration in Madrid when the health authorities already had conclusive data regarding the danger it could pose when spreading the virus. The case was filed after becoming regular ammunition for the right.

At that time Valladares was already indicted and accused of cheating on his mother-in-law just as he had done with other clients. The woman entrusted him with defending her in a labor lawsuit against her company and gave him a total of 800 euros to carry out the procedures. The lawyer unsuccessfully tried to reach an agreement with the company in the preliminary conciliation phase and then did nothing else, although he told the family of his partner that he was taking steps before a court in the Plaza de los Cubos. What he did do was falsify a sentence that, supposedly, agreed with his mother-in-law and recognized her right to collect more than 24,000 euros from her company.

The lawyer’s in-laws realized that something was wrong when they went to social court number 32 in Madrid and to find out why the woman had not yet received her compensation. The officials’ response was clear: that sentence 957/2016 did not exist, just as procedure 846/2016 had not existed in that court. And she had not won any lawsuit against her company in the context of the labor dispute.

The Provincial Court of Madrid, in a sentence to which has had access, has just imposed six months in prison for the falsification of the sentence in the case of her mother-in-law, in addition to a fine of 1,800 euros. A conviction for documentary falsehood, still appealable before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid and later before the Supreme Court, lower than the one requested by both the Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution. The Court acquitted him, for example, of several crimes of fraud and professional disloyalty for which he requested several more years in prison.

The judges of the 23rd section understand that there was neither fraud nor professional disloyalty, because she did start the conciliation phase with her mother-in-law’s company, a step prior to going to the social jurisdiction, and also because of the indeterminacy of the assignment that she received. made his in-laws to take the case. “The steps or actions to be carried out in any way were detailed, so it is not understood that the accused hatched a deception for his benefit,” the judges explain. It is true that he falsified a sentence but to “justify his actions” and not so that his mother-in-law would give him about 800 euros that she had already given him by then. “There could be concealment of information or improper development of the procedures,” say the judges, but not a scam. There was also no professional disloyalty.

What he did do was deliver to his in-laws a sentence that he – or a third person – had fabricated to make his mother-in-law believe that he had won the lawsuit against his company and that he had the right to collect more than 24,000 euros. “There is no doubt that we are dealing with a document created by simulation,” reasons the Provincial Court of Madrid. The resolution was “completely false” and, furthermore, reflected the same data that Valladares had put on the table during the previous conciliation. They consider her guilty of this crime and rule out that the complaint, filed several years after the events, responds to an objective of her former in-laws to harm her after breaking off her romantic relationship with her victim’s daughter.

Complaint against 8-M

By the time the coronavirus pandemic hit Spain, Víctor Valladares was no stranger to the country’s media. Lawyer since 2006 at the Madrid Bar, this Galician lawyer had stood out for his defense of animal rights in cases such as the Bull of the Vegathe Excalibur dog or as a lawyer various animal platforms, among others. He is cited as an expert on the subject as well in this 2014 article of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers.

In March 2020 he returned to the headlines when he presented a complaint against the central Executive in the Plaza de Castilla for allowing large concentrations such as the feminist March 8 when the data already pointed to the danger and expansion of the coronavirus. The case fell into the hands of Judge Carmen Rodríguez-Medel, who charged the Government delegate in Madrid, José Manuel Franco, and launched an instruction that ended up in the file, but along the way became ammunition for PP and Vox , which became a popular accusation, and in which forensic and Civil Guard reports were prepared that sought to blame the feminist demonstration for the spread of the virus in Madrid. Some reports that, in turn, resulted in a crisis in the Civil Guard that culminated in the dismissal of Diego Pérez de los Cobos.

The case was filed and Valladares – who claimed to act on behalf of an association of People Affected by the Management of the Coronavirus (AGC) that had no known subsequent activity – did not appear as an accusation in the procedure before the Provincial Court buried the definitely cause. By then he was already accumulating several sanctions and convictions for malpractice before having to give up his lawyer’s license in 2018, a count that has been increasing in recent years.

customer scams

Most of these sanctions and sentences correspond to a similar way of acting, reflected in the proven facts and resolutions examined by this newspaper: Valladares, as a practicing lawyer, offered to handle cases for small amounts of money that clients delivered , although many times the lawyer never launched the legal action commissioned or let the proceedings die. Facing the client, he sometimes supported his lie with falsified judicial documents, as in the case recently sentenced by the Madrid Court.

One of his 15-day sanctions imposed by the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) came in 2018 when a woman reported him. She stated that she had hired the services of Valladares to try to recover her young daughter, who, according to her accusations, had been abducted by her father and transferred abroad, whose whereabouts were unknown to her since then. The lawyer accepted the assignment but, as reported by this affected, did not start the necessary actions so that she could recover her daughter. The same ICAM imposed another 15 days of sanction for the case of a woman who paid him to defend her honor in a lawsuit.

The courts have also sanctioned him several times by criminal means, even in firm resolutions. Recently the supreme court It has confirmed for him a sentence of one year in prison for false documents and professional disloyalty, in addition to the obligation to compensate his victims with more than 13,000 euros. A woman entrusted him with up to three lawsuits, one of them related to the bullying her son suffered, and Valladares kept the money “without carrying out any judicial procedure” but doing his usual deployment: going to court with her to request information and falsifying court documentation.

Another conviction was confirmed in November last year. by the Superior Court of Justice of Madriddeclared firm last July by the Supreme Court’s criminal chamber in a writ of inadmissibility that has been able to examine. In this case, the courts sealed a two-year prison sentence for him for taking charge of a lawsuit against Banco Sabadell for floor clauses in a marriage mortgage and doing nothing. In that case, Valladares falsified several documents to make his victims believe that the case was going from strength to strength.

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