How would it affect Google workers?
In the event that the separation of Google’s divisions is completed, some of its workers could drastically change their jobs or even disappear. However, employees have reported that the company has discouraged them from raising concerns about the case.
In a previous case involving unfair labor practices, Google did not allow employees to speak about it “both internally and externally,” AWU members said. In this regard, Peter Schottenfeles, a company spokesperson, pointed out that they only asked the workers not to speak about the ongoing litigation “on behalf of Google without prior approval.”
Regarding the case of the sale of Chrome, Parul Koul, software engineer and president of the AWU, said that “the solutions, whatever they may be, will fail if workers continue to be afraid of retaliation and cannot express their concerns.”
Although the members of the AWU were not for or against any particular solution, as it is likely that new ways will be proposed to resolve the case, they said that it is necessary that the workers must be part of the debate as it is such a situation. important.
“Instead of Google engaging us in this conversation, what they really told us was, ‘Let’s not even talk about that,’ that’s really our problem here (…) Our approach really comes from the feeling that they are not taken decisions about us, without us,” commented Koul.
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