economy and politics

Volatility causes the Afores to lose 74,218 million pesos in October

Volatility causes the Afores to lose 74,218 million pesos in October

Unemployment withdrawals increase

Unemployment withdrawals made by workers also registered a maximum in October with the outflow of 3,390 million pesos in resources as aid to workers who lost their jobs.

The figure represents a growth of 32% compared to October of last year and in the context in which Consar detected that irregular withdrawals are being made by workers colluding with “coyotes.”

Julio Cervantes, head of Consar, said last October that the Afores’ pension advisors were helping people make this type of withdrawals in exchange for a commission, which is why he has taken measures with the IMSS to prevent this. situation.

At the Amafore 2024 Meeting, Emilio Bertrán, general director of Afore SURA, said that they have detected companies or institutions, in offices, that do a simulation to register a worker with a high salary and then apply for unemployment.

“They register you with a much higher salary and then they unemploy you, 46 days pass and you enter the unemployment withdrawal process and then you reached the maximum withdrawal of 28,000 pesos,” said the manager.

With the new regulation of Consar and the IMSS, it is sought that unemployment withdrawals are not based on the worker’s last salary but on the average of their entire working life.

“There is one important thing, and it is controversial, basically it is not a fraud because people are withdrawing money from their account but what is true is that you are creating a mechanism to simulate a salary that you do not have,” he noted.

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