Oct. 28 () –
A primate unique to Vietnam, the Cat Ba langur, has retained key genetic traits that help it survive in an isolated environment, including the ability to drink salt water.
A study by the German Primate Center (DPZ), Leibniz Institute for Primate Research Göttingen and Leipzig Zoo shows the remarkable adaptive capacity of this species, of which only less than one hundred individuals exist.
Due to the drastic decline in its population, the species suffers from genetic impoverishment, high inbreeding, and possible increased susceptibility to disease. However, analysis of their genetic information shows that genetic diversity has been maintained in functionally important areas of their genetic information. This allows Cat Ba langurs (Trachypithecus poliocephalus) continue to adequately cope with changing environmental conditions.
“Their ability to adapt makes these animals unique. The fact that they drink salt water is an outstanding example of this,” says Liye Zhang, a geneticist at the German Primate Center (DPZ) and lead author of the study.
This extraordinary ability is a direct consequence of their isolation on the island where they live, where there are only limited sources of fresh water. The researchers show that changes in certain genes have likely increased tolerance to salt water. These genetic adaptations allow langurs to cope with the high sodium content of salt water and thus contribute to their survival in this unique environment.
The research is published in the journal Nature Communications.
The Cat Ba langur, one of the world’s rarest primate species, is not only critically endangered, but also symbolizes nature’s remarkable ability to adapt to difficult conditions. “These research results highlight the urgency of better protecting the Cat Ba langur and its habitat,” he said. in a statement Christian Roos, DPZ scientist and co-author of the current study.
Although many mammal populations are declining around the world, the genetic effects of such population declines often remain unexplored. The Cat Ba langur is a valuable model for analyzing the consequences of a severe population decline on the genetic diversity of a species. The population of this species of langur reached several hundred animals, but in 2004 it was reduced to an alarming 40 individuals due to hunting, poaching and habitat loss.
Since then, the population has recovered and now numbers about 85 animals. However, the species remains threatened with extinction, particularly due to habitat fragmentation, disturbances caused by uncontrolled tourism and increased inbreeding. These threats underscore the need to expand existing conservation measures and intensify targeted conservation programs to ensure the long-term survival of this primate species.
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