The new institutional regulations establish the guidelines of our House of Studies, in terms of Gender and Sexual Diversity and integrate the requirements and guidelines of Law No. 21,369 that regulates sexual harassment, violence and gender discrimination in higher education.
The Academic Council of the University of Concepción unanimously approved the Institutional Policy on Gender Equality and Sexual Diversity. The regulations were presented by the Department of Gender Equity and Diversity (DEGyD) of the university.
“The approval of the Institutional Policy on Gender Equity and Sexual Diversity is a very important step, since it accounts for the stage of progress of our University in these issues, at the same time as incorporates the requirements and guidelines of Law No. 21,369 that regulates sexual harassment, violence and gender discrimination in the field of higher education”, pointed out Lucía Saldaña Muñoz, director of the DEGyD.
The entry into force of Law No. 21,369 requires higher education institutions to adopt all measures aimed at preventing, investigating and punishing, and eradicating sexual harassment, violence and gender discrimination, in addition to protecting and redressing victims.
participatory elaboration
“The elaboration of the policy has been the result of collaborative work, in which the deanships and university authorities have participated, as well as civil servants, students and various other actors. In fact, on August 17 we met with the Tripartite Advisory Committee of the DEGyD to sanction this policy, who became aware of it and made very interesting comments and feedback. In this process, we value in particular the support that the Strategic Development Department has given us in relation to the policy and also the comptroller in all that were the modifications to the Action Protocol associated with the requirements of the law”, highlighted the director Lucia Saldana.
In this regard, the controller of the UdeC Corporation, Francisco Santibanez Yanezindicated that “this is a step very relevant in order to place the University of Concepción in line with the legal requirements that today’s Chilean regulations impose on higher education institutions in the field of prevention and punishment of sexual harassment and gender discrimination. The important thing is that the policy was approved unanimously by the Academic Council and this shows that within this university there is full conviction that the adoption of these instruments generates within the university community a necessary climate for the adequate training of the student body and also for the proper performance of our workers.
The policy articulates the strategies and actions of the University of Concepción in the field of gender equity and sexual diversity, with the pertinent internal regulatory instruments and frameworks, in view of the requirements currently in force in national legislation, based on the entry into force of the Law 21,369.
action protocol
In the instance, the modifications to the “Protocol of Action related to the behaviors constituting sexual harassment, violence and discrimination based on sex, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation”, given that Law No. 21,369 imposes the duty on higher education institutions to update and adjust the internal regulations to the provisions of said law, as well as to the provisions of Circular Letter No. 1 of 8 July 2022 on these matters. “This constitutes a breakthroughas it allows us to update our investigation and sanction procedures to the legal requirements, also allowing us to perfect certain aspects that the practical application had shown us that requires a degree of improvement”, said the UdeC comptroller, Francisco Santibáñez.
In this way, the University of Concepcion continues to advance in the institutional guidelines associated with the co-construction of an egalitarian and violence-free educational space, which is expressed in the training of professionals, researchers and investigators who contribute to improving society and the quality of life of all people.
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