Science and Tech

No filters on Instagram and Facebook? Meta closes Spark

No filters on Instagram and Facebook? Meta closes Spark

Many of them also had the expectation that their filters would be used in some of Zuckerberg’s new metaverse-focused products, such as the new versions of Meta Quest or the Orion glasses, created in collaboration with Ray-Ban.

However, the developers told the American media that the company had already abandoned updates in Spark even before announcing its closure and, therefore, they were migrating to other alternatives, such as Snap’s Lens Studio.

A Meta spokesperson noted that no new tools will be offered to create, publish or manage AR effects on the company’s platforms, other than that developers “can download their AR effects and craft or monetize them for other platforms.”

When will Meta Spark close?

In late August, the social media company announced that the studio will close on January 14, meaning that “AR effects built by third parties, including brands and our broader community of creators, will no longer be available.” , advertisement.

This means that users will lose all third-party created effects that were available on Meta’s social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook and Messenger, something that has complicated the relationship between the company and developers.

Even the firm knows that the relationship with this group of creators is tense, due to various factors, from the fact that their development platforms are difficult to manage, to their closure.

Metaverse, Meta’s least profitable business

Despite the great confidence that Meta has had around metaverse technologies, this vertical has never managed to become profitable. According to the company’s own figures since 2019, when the company began reporting the finances of this division, until 2023, it has recorded losses of more than $51 billion.

The income, on the other hand, totals 7,969 million dollars, a figure that demonstrates the complicated business in which the businessman got involved, since in total it represents a loss of 43,000 million.

However, Meta is confident that the development of generative Artificial Intelligence will also have a positive effect on the metaverse and the combined functions that both technologies could have.

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