22 Aug. (Portaltic/EP) –
Pokemon Scarlet and Purple has shared the new features players will encounter in battles against trainers around the world, including teracrystallization, a phenomenon unique to Paldea that changes the creature’s type to its tera type.
combat stadium is the feature that will allow players to take on other Pokémon trainers from around the world over the Internet in online qualifying matches, friendlies and tournaments from Pokémon Scarlet and Purple.
One of the main innovations that the Paldea region will bring is the teracrystallization, an exclusive phenomenon that makes the Pokémon shine “like glittering gems” and that can be applied to battles to “change its course”, as you have shared nintendo this monday.
teracrystallization change the type of the pokemon (plant, water, rock, dragon, sinister etc.) to your type tera, which is revealed only at the time it teracrystallizes. This boosts moves that are the same type as the tera type and modifies the Pokemon’s weaknesses.
Also, the teracrystallized pokemon you can use a new move, teraexplosion -of the normal type, which is learned with a TM- which, as explained in the videogame blog, “becomes a very powerful move of the same type as that Pokémon’s teratype”, being able to “change the course of a battle” if used “at the right time”.
Outside of combat, players will find teraincursionsin which they can participate with up to three other trainers to face wild teracrystallized pokémon.
the coaches too find new items that they can use in combat, as weed copywhich mimics the best features of the rival; sneaky Cloak, that hides the pokémon and protects it from the secondary effects of a movement; Y loaded Dice, which can increase the hits of a multi attack.
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