economy and politics

IU proposes an alliance of parties that includes Podemos: "All in, without crossed vetoes"

Antonio Maíllo: “The political cycle that began in 2014 has closed”

“Everyone in, without crossed vetoes.” That is the message that the leader of Izquierda Unida, Antonio Maíllo, plans to send to the federal coordinator who meets this Sunday. A commitment to the construction of political alliances that include all forces, including Podemos, with the aim of “achieving a single candidacy of the federal and confederal left for the next electoral dates.” The message has special relevance after the reconfiguration of the space on the left that opened after the departure of Yolanda Díaz as organic leader of Sumar.

“We are committed to a unitary culture in the construction of alliances – we can summarize it graphically as ‘everyone in, without crossed vetoes’ –, compatible with organizational reinforcement and direct dialogue with society and with those sectors that feel represented by our political culture. and programmatic proposal”, maintains the draft of the political report that Maíllo will present on Sunday and that will foreseeably be ratified by the expanded leadership of Izquierda Unida.

The text, to which has had access, speaks of the need for a left with initiative and a “country project” in the face of “resistance and fear of the extreme right.” “It is about moving from alert to alternative; from resistance to adherence to a set of values, to an alternative country project and direct dialogue with unorganized but socially influential sectors,” he argues.

And to achieve this, Maíllo is committed to the left returning to a framework of unity after an electoral year marked by competition between two forces within the same political space. A year ago, disagreements between Sumar and Podemos led to a total breakup that at the moment has no signs of recovery. The left went divided to the Galicians and the Basques, with very poor results, and also to the Europeans.

The result of those elections was what led the second vice president to abandon the organic leadership of the political space and what ended Sumar’s strategy as the umbrella of a broad front of formations in which Podemos was no longer in any case.

Izquierda Unida has proposed to resolve this situation. For months now, the party has been taking steps in the direction of reestablishing relations for a unitary candidacy. The party of the Communist Party of Spain was an unsuccessful attempt to bring positions closer, with a table on the future of the left from which Podemos left at the last minute without offering too many excuses.

In February, the federation will hold a kind of political conference, a process that they have called Call for Democracy, with which they want to bring together their bases, but also “castaway militants” and civil society to develop a political proposal that arms to the left at the beginning of the new political cycle, marked by a right-wing Europe and an international context of war. “It is about moving from alert to alternative; from resistance to adhesion to a set of values, to an alternative country project and direct dialogue with unorganized but socially influential sectors,” says the draft report.

IU wants this political conference to also serve as a turning point to begin to build a political alliance that unites all parties again. To this end, the report maintains, the IU leadership has started conversations with all the organizations that were part of the 23J coalition, “including Podemos.” “On the other hand, we are part of a coordination space between organizations, together with Comunes, Movimiento Sumar, Más Madrid and Verdes-Equo,” the text recalls.

They have sent a message to all of them in which they show their willingness to weave “social and cultural political alliances”, in which IU offers itself “on equal terms, without being more but neither less”, as a tool to work for the unit. “This political process seeks to involve more people in politics, build a social organization, encourage mobilization and, through a democratic and participatory methodology, achieve a single candidacy of the federal and confederal left for the next electoral events,” says Maíllo in the draft.

This is not a voluntary proposal, IU sets some conditions for this unit to work. Among others, the creation of a space for coordination between equals and democratization in decision-making, something that the federation has been asking for since the birth of Unidas Podemos as a coalition and that it has continued to demand later with Sumar. He also calls for a definitive end to the confusion between Movimiento Sumar, Yolanda Díaz’s party, and the Sumar coalition.

“There is a need for a method of operation, which does not yet exist, and there is a need for political will to reunite, thinking about the interests of the working class of our country,” Maíllo concludes in the draft.

End of relations with Israel

In the draft that the Federal Coordinator will vote on Sunday, Maíllo also addresses the Spanish and international political situation. The text asks that the Government “cut all types of relations” with Israel, “a country under the control of a genocidal regime,” it denounces. “It is imperative to mobilize in defense of peace in the Middle East, demanding compliance with UN resolutions, always ignored by Israel with the support of the United States, its indispensable protector in this situation,” the text maintains.

Among other actions, IU asks Spain to paralyze possible contract tenders to Israeli security and defense companies. “The Spanish Ministry of Defense cannot continue collaborating with Israeli companies that participate in the genocide or occupation,” he warns.

The report also calls on the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, not to adopt an “equidistant stance” in this situation. “The President of the Government cannot adopt an equidistant position in the face of a situation that will be a future shame for the Western world, whose governments, faint-hearted, allow the extermination of the population in Gaza,” the text reads.

Regarding the latest judicial news in Spain, IU requests that the Government provide all the explanations about the Koldo case given the “obvious signs of excessive use of public resources.” “The cases that appear, without falling into partisan setups or media traps, must be analyzed and investigated with absolute transparency, no matter who falls,” the report maintains.

Finally, he denounces the attitude of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, interfering in political life. “The admission to processing of the complaint against the attorney general is another step along those lines, despite the null legal basis it has. If it also comes from someone who has been proven to be a tax criminal, the partner of the president of the Community of Madrid, they also give signs of what things continue to be untouchable in our country,” he says.

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