
Sánchez defends García Ortiz with a hoax by hiding that he is being prosecuted for revealing secrets and not for “fighting hoaxes” |

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has reiterated this Thursday afternoon the position of the Governmentadvanced by Félix Bolaños, and has defended the actions of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortizafter being prosecuted for an alleged crime of revealing secrets in relation to Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, something that has not expressly cited.

The head of the Executive said during an appearance at the end of the European Union Summit that “respects” the position of the Supreme Court but in the same way “supports” the prosecutor’s action “because he has done his job, what he had to do, which are two things: pursue the criminal and combat misinformation and hoax”.

In this sense, he has proceeded to explain the origin of the accusation saying that “Ayuso’s Chief of Staff -Miguel Ángel Rodríguez- spreads a hoax to place the lie on the side of the Prosecutor’s Office“. At that moment, he went directly to asking the PP “when are they going to ask Ayuso for explanations and responsibilitieswho is the partner of a confessed criminal, who has defrauded the Treasury, as he has acknowledged, and has profited from the masks during the pandemic.” To this he added that “presumably Ayuso may have benefited from that situation indirectly”.

In this sense, Sánchez has reiterated that García Ortiz has “done the job entrusted to the prosecution: prosecute the crime and combat a hoax”. “What we need is for Feijóo to demand political responsibilities from his boss that cannot be other than Ayuso’s resignation,” he concluded.

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