
North Korea maintains that its Constitution “clearly” defines South Korea as a “hostile” state

North Korea maintains that its Constitution "clearly" defines South Korea as a "hostile" state


North Korea confirmed this Thursday that its recently revised Constitution defines for the first time its neighboring country, South Korea, as a “hostile” state in the face of its intention to end the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, two days after exploding the roads and railways that connected both countries.

The North Korean news agency KCNA has maintained that the decision to “physically cut off” the infrastructure leading to South Korea is “an inevitable and legitimate measure taken in accordance with the requirement of the Constitution that clearly defines” Seoul as a “hostile” state. “, and take place on the occasion of “the serious security circumstances that lead to the unpredictable brink of war due to serious political and military provocations by hostile forces.”

This decision is part of the “complete and gradual separation of its territory, where it exercises its sovereignty, from South Korean territory.” “The 60-meter-long sections of the roads in Koson (Kangwon) and Panmun (Kaesong) have been completely blocked by explosions,” said a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense, adding that the ministry “will continue to take measures to fortify permanently closed the southern border.

In recent weeks, North Korean authorities have sent numerous garbage balloons across the border, prompting Seoul to resume propaganda broadcasts over loudspeakers for the first time in six weeks, as well as its live-fire drills near the border. , activities to which are added the joint military maneuvers with the United States.

North Korea has also been increasing its launches of ballistic missiles and other projectiles in recent years, operations they describe as “warnings” against the actions of Seoul, with whom it has not yet signed a peace agreement despite the fact that the war of Korea ended in 1953 with an armistice.

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