
Zelensky proposes deploying non-nuclear deterrent weapons in Ukraine to prevent future threats from Russia

Zelensky proposes deploying non-nuclear deterrent weapons in Ukraine to prevent future threats from Russia

Zelensky’s new proposal, which he will deliver this Thursday to the EU, has several secret annexes, only available to some partners

Russia accuses Zelensky of “camouflaging” US interests in an “ephemeral peace plan”

Oct. 16 () –

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, presented this Wednesday his ‘victory plan’ to Parliament, which involves accelerating entry into NATO, strengthening defense and lifting allied restrictions on long-range attacks, as well as deploying weapons non-nuclear deterrents on Ukrainian territory.

“Ukraine proposes to deploy on its territory a comprehensive set of non-nuclear strategic deterrent measures, which will be sufficient to protect Ukraine from any military threat from Russia,” Zelensky said.

“Russian leaders act only when they are convinced that they will not receive an adequate response. When Russia knows there will be one and understands what it will be, they choose negotiation and stable coexistence even with strategic opponents,” the Ukrainian president theorized.

It is at this point in the new plan that one of the “secret annexes” is found, of which the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy have already been informed, although it does not close the door to other countries.

Zelensky has stressed that this plan is designed to force Russia to accept a “fair diplomatic process” or lose its ability to continue waging war. Open to possible negotiations, the Ukrainian president has clarified that freezing the conflict or ceding territories are not matters for debate.

The “starting point” of the plan is an “unconditional invitation” of Ukraine into NATO. While acknowledging that this is a matter for the future, accession “can become truly fundamental for peace,” after Russia has been “for decades” taking advantage of Europe’s “geopolitical uncertainty.”

“Putin must see that his geopolitical calculations are losing. The Russians must feel that their tsar lost geopolitically before the world,” emphasized Zelensky, who has insisted on old demands to be able to attack Western military positions with long-range weapons well into the Russian territory.

“It is realistic to defend our positions in Ukraine and at the same time return the war to Russian territory, so that they really feel what war is and, despite the propaganda, begin to hate the Kremlin,” he defended.

In economic matters there is another of these confidential clauses. Without going into details, he said that Ukraine has offered the United States and the European Union, “of which it will be a part”, to seal a “special agreement” on the destination of billions of euros in “strategically valuable” resources, such as lithium and uranium.

This agreement will serve to strengthen the economic restrictions and sanctions that have already weighed on Russia since the beginning of the invasion.

Zelensky has assured that after the war, Ukraine will have one of the “largest and most experienced armies in the world” and that it could assume the burden of defending Europe and even replace the American troops that are deployed in many territories on the continent.

“Ukrainians have shown that they can be the force that Russian evil cannot defeat,” he emphasized.

This Wednesday, Zelensky explained before Parliament a plan that he already presented last week while passing through several European capitals, as well as to Joe Biden, who did not end up receiving it at all well, according to the American press.

This ‘bread of victory’, they explain from kyiv, is not an alternative to the peace formula that was already presented a few months ago, but rather a kind of link for future talks that the Ukrainian authorities intend to hold before the end of the year.


Before Zelensky addressed Parliament, Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov accused him of “camouflaging” American interests in an “ephemeral peace plan” at the expense of Ukrainian citizens themselves, according to Russian agencies.

Peskov has stressed that in kyiv there is no plan other than the one dictated by the United States and has invited Zelensky to rethink “the unfeasibility” of the policies he is carrying out. “There may be another truly peace plan,” but “Ukraine must realize the reasons that led to this conflict,” he said.

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