
Aitana is going to live in Miami and buys a house worth 1.4 million euros

Week Cover.

Aitana is one of the most important artists in our country. The 26-year-old has managed, through effort and work, to become one of the singers with the greatest international projection.

Since he left the academy Operation TriumphOcaña has traveled to Miami regularly, since that is where the best studios for creating music are. Like Aitana, dozens of singers and musicians from our country and around the world come to the city of Florida to prepare their albums, songs, projects, etc.

Week Cover.


As revealed by the magazine of the heart WEEKAmaia Romero’s friend has moved to a house in the city where Shakira also lives. As the pink medium reveals, Aitana was so tired of living in a hotel that she decided to buy a property for the long periods she spends in the American country.

The house, located near the most important recording studios in the country, has cost him 1.4 million euros, an investment that Ocaña has made thinking about his professional future.

Aitana will have a second project with Netflix

Aitana will have a second project with Netflix

It has also been learned that the singer initially traveled with his parents, who helped him adapt to his new residence. However, the artist’s parents returned to Spain before Hurricane Milton.

The singer showed on her social networks that she received an alert on her mobile phone about the atmospheric phenomenon that caused millions of people to evacuate. Although it devastated territories, houses and caused great damage, the singer did not suffer any type of damage from the hurricane.

Your routine in Miami

A few hours ago, Aitana shared a post on her official Instagram account in which she revealed to her followers the routine she follows every day in Miami. ”My routine in Miami: training for two hours every morning, eating healthy, psychologist twice a week, studying day after day as well (except on the weekends, or it depends on how too), making a lot of music… and some days of enjoyment with the visits that I have. I’m getting mine.”

The singer has spoken of “visits”, which is why she has confirmed that she is settled in the ‘magical’ city. However, it has closed the post making it clear that she is looking forward to returning to our country and seeing all the people she loves: “You also want to return to Spain, since I have been locked up in a studio for two months.”

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