
DRC applauds the ICC’s decision to reactivate investigations into possible war crimes in the east

DRC applauds the ICC's decision to reactivate investigations into possible war crimes in the east


The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) applauded this Wednesday the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to reactivate investigations into alleged war crimes and other human rights violations in the context of the conflict in the east of the country.

“We take note of the statements of the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, in relation to the opening of these investigations into the situation in the east of the country,” the Government indicated in a statement carried by the Congolese news agency ACP. “This decision represents a step forward in the fight against impunity in the DRC,” stated the Ministry of Communications.

For the Government, this creates “hope” about the possibility of justice being done for these crimes, allegedly perpetrated starting in January 2022 within the framework of the current conflict in the province of North Kivu, which borders Uganda and Rwanda and in which several armed groups operate.

“This important step has been taken thanks to the commitment and efforts of the Congolese president, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, in favor of peace and justice for all victims of serious crimes and other atrocities committed especially in this area,” reflects the document.

Thus, he stated that the Government is “committed” and “determined to collaborate with the Prosecutor’s Office to facilitate its work.” The statements from Congolese authorities come shortly after Khan announced on Monday his decision to reactivate the investigations, which “will not be limited to particular sides or members of specific groups.”

The office plans to examine “in a holistic, independent and impartial manner the responsibility of all actors who have allegedly committed crimes and violations of the Rome Statute,” he clarified before indicating that it will ask for cooperation from the authorities and all actors involved.

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