
Genaro García Luna asks the judge for clemency one day before his sentencing

E 1767112 - letter garcia luna october

( Spanish) – Genaro García Luna, Secretary of Public Security of Mexico during the presidency of Felipe Calderón and tried in the United States on charges of drug trafficking and links to organized crime, asked this Tuesday for clemency from Judge Brian Cogan, who will rule on his case.

One day after his appearance in Brooklyn Court to hear his sentence, García Luna published a letter in his own handwriting addressed to Judge Cogan in which he refers to his own life as a product of “family values” that, according to He says, he would have received them since his childhood.

📄 Click here to see the full handwritten letter.

In the five-page letter, García Luna says that within the prison where he has spent the last 58 months of his captivity, he has participated in training programs for drug use and abuse awareness, as well as in an Education program. at Columbia University Prison.

Furthermore, the former Secretary of Public Security emphasizes that when he was a public official he was aware of reserved and privileged information that included the collaboration of top-level US authorities.

García Luna was found guilty of participating in a continuing criminal enterprise, conspiracy to obtain, import and distribute thousands of kilograms of cocaine in the United States, and making false statements to US immigration officials following his arrest in December 2019.

“Your honor, as I indicated, I have a firm respect for the law, I respectfully ask for your consideration so that within the framework of this sentence all the factors that gave rise to this trial are considered, among others the false information provided by the current government of Mexico and the criminal witnesses, their complicity against me and my responsibility in the frontal combat against drug trafficking where powerful political interests also confront each other,” García Luna points out in the letter.

In September, García Luna revealed that the New York Prosecutor’s Office proposed that he accept a plea deal that would mean spending six months in prison, obtaining financial benefits and becoming a witness to point out people and institutions in Mexico, reported.

The former Secretary of Public Security said he had not accepted the deal because it meant the weakening “of development, public peace and the institutional life of the country,” according to the handwritten communication that his lawyer shared with .

“Your honor, with the deepest of my feelings, I respectfully request that you allow me to return as soon as possible to my family and rejoin the beloved society to which I respect and belong,” concludes the former official.

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