
Enrique Márquez questions the Supreme Court’s rejection of a request to review the sentence that gave Maduro the winner

( Spanish) – The former presidential candidate of the Centrados party, Enrique Márquez, rejected this Monday the decision of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela (TSJ) that declared inadmissible his request to review the ruling of the Electoral Chamber of that court, which validated the announcement of the electoral power that gave victory to Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections of July 28 without making public the data by voting centers and tables.

The political leader considered that the judicial body disposed of the matter “without going to the bottom of what was raised,” which in his opinion is the constitutionality of the ruling that supported the announcement of the National Electoral Council (CNE). Both the CNE and the TSJ are made up of people related to the ruling party.

“The strangest thing of all, the most illogical thing is that it does not evaluate the constitutionality, but ratifies the ruling of the Electoral Chamber (…) Not only does it not evaluate the constitutionality of the ruling, but it dares to ratify it, which is why it also ratifies the defects of sentence number 31 of the Electoral Chamber. In this case it rejects the resource that we introduced and, notice the lack of logic, it rejects it and does not explain why. We could think then that it would be something like that: I reject it because I feel like it,” Márquez said at a press conference.

Although he assured that he abides by the decision “because there is no option,” he warned that he does not accept it and that he will continue working to guarantee the validity of the Constitution, at the same time that he announced the introduction before the Constitutional Chamber of a clarification appeal to make them see what called “several dark points” in his sentence.

In its ruling, the Constitutional Chamber argued that the Electoral Chamber “collected and examined all the necessary evidence in accordance with the facts and the law, including an exhaustive, detailed and complete expert opinion” and that with this “the unobjectionable integrity of the results announced by the National Electoral Council”, but they did not make the evidence public.

Both Márquez and the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which brings together the majority opposition and nominated Edmundo González Urrutia, question the results that the CNE announced since the night of July 28 and have published minutes with details of the results according to which the opposition leader was the winner.

Márquez confirmed that Centrados accepted the invitation of the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez – of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) – to discuss the possible renewal of the electoral laws, on condition that the disaggregated results of the elections are published. the last elections.
The former candidate said that this must be a “continuous and sincere” process and that he hopes it does not become something “asymmetrical in which there is one sector that has power and control” and the others are “invited as if by chance.”

“We are going to denounce any deviation that goes towards undemocratic deepening because there are many people who have announced that the laws are going to be discussed to make them more restrictive, so that no one can be a candidate or so that no one can have a party or so that no one can to do politics, we are against that situation and we believe that, on the contrary, the laws have to be opened to facilitate political participation,” he added.

“There is a debt there, the electoral law was violated there, so there has to be an agreement within the Assembly for the results to be published (…) It is not about a clean slate, it is about fixing what we have wrong in the house and continue with the design of a different country,” he added.

Observer organizations such as the Carter Center – which recently showed what they claim are original records that give the victory to González – and several countries also call for the results to be published broken down by voting centers and polling stations, something that has not happened since. two months before the elections. On the other hand, Maduro and his allies maintain that their victory was clear.

The majority of the opposition parties gathered in the PUD rejected in a statement to participate in the convened dialogue, considering it “a propaganda exercise.”

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