economy and politics

The Banco Agrario link to consult payment of Citizen Income

Agrarian Bank

He Department for Social Prosperity enabled on September 30 the payment of cycles 3 and 4 of Citizen Income, the program of the Government of Colombia that provides regular economic assistance to vulnerable families, and one of the main official channels to receive assistance is the Agrarian Bank. What is the link to consult?

The details of the new charges

Within the framework of the Citizen Income initiative, 590,000 households will receive help through the intervention line “Care Assessment”while another 2.2 million homes will benefit from the line “Colombia without Hunger”.

These families will receive an amount of between 220,000 and 500,000 pesos, which varies depending on the region and the degree of vulnerability.

The objective of this program is to mitigate social inequality and guarantee food security through a comprehensive approach that takes into account multiple dimensions of poverty, such as health, education and access to basic services, in order to promote sustainable development. sustainable in the long term.

(More: VAT refund 2024: link to check if you are a beneficiary with an ID number)

Agrarian Bank

Facebook: Agrarian Bank.

Where to check if you have a Citizen Income payment?

To check if you have a pending transfer of Citizen Income through the Agrarian Bankyou must access the official site and check your status in a simple way:

– Enter the entity’s website:

– Click on the ‘Turns’ section and enter the link that appears in the instructive (This is the link in case you can’t find it:

Get into the type and number of the identity document, and then it will be displayed if a payment point has been assigned, that is, a pending transfer to withdraw.

(More: How do I know if I have a VAT transfer in the Reval?)

– Once the payment point has been identified, the beneficiary can go to the authorized establishment to make the payment. When claiming the money, The original identification document must be presented at the payment window.

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