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In the United States they are going to force all cars to have AM radio, some brands rebel

Why many AM radio stations have to turn off for a few hours at night

Nowadays everyone uses Android Auto, CarPlay and similar to tune the radio in the car. However, In the United States they are passing a law that requires installing an AM radio in all vehicles. Why don’t some manufacturers want to?

The new law is called AM law for all vehiclesand has been approved by 45 votes to 2 in the committee that evaluated it. However, it still has to pass a vote in the US Congress.

This law requires all cars, without exception, to have AM radio, at a time when most manufacturers no longer include it, both for technical and commercial reasons.

The old AM radio, vital in emergencies

The reason advocates of the law argue is that AM radio does not depend on the Internet, and has long range. So it is a vital means of communications in case of emergencies such as floods, hurricanes, and even wars or hacker attacks that disable the Internet.

It is also a transmission that cannot be hackedsince the waves travel through the air, so the transmitted information will reach anyone who has an AM radio.

But many manufacturers are against this lawespecially those of electric cars. Brands like Tesla, Rivian and others have eliminated AM radio from their cars, because it causes interference in electric cars.

Forcing them to install an AM radio represents a large expense, at a time when electric cars need to lower prices. It’s not just the radio itself, but the electric motor would have to be isolated to avoid interference.

Fuel car manufacturers don’t like the decision either, for commercial reasons. What users ask for now are digital content through Android Auto and similar.

Reserve a space for the icon AM radio on the dashboard is losing money, because AM radio…it’s free. And what brands want are digital services that pay to appear on their cars.

AM radio is certainly useful in emergencies.but it has become outdated for everyday use. Does it make sense for it to be mandatory in all vehicles?

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Tags: Radio, Electric car

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