
Borrell calls for a “thorough” investigation into Israeli attacks on the UN mission in Lebanon

Borrell calls for a "thorough" investigation into Israeli attacks on the UN mission in Lebanon

Denounces that these attacks “constitute a serious violation of International Law and are totally unacceptable”

Oct. 14 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, has called this Sunday for a “thorough” investigation into the Israeli attacks against the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which have resulted in at least five helmets. blues’ injuries, as well as damage to facilities, while Israel has openly called for the withdrawal of the mission.

“We urgently await explanations and a thorough investigation from the Israeli authorities into the attacks against UNIFIL, which plays a fundamental role in the stability of southern Lebanon,” reads a statement in which it indicated that the community bloc “condemns all attacks.” against United Nations missions”.

The 27 have expressed “particularly serious concern about the attacks by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) against UNIFIL, which left several peacekeepers injured.” “These attacks on UN peacekeepers constitute a serious violation of international law and are totally unacceptable. These attacks must stop immediately,” he said.

Borrell has stressed that “all actors” have the obligation to adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the security of UN personnel and property and respect the inviolability of UN facilities at all times.” Thus, he has urged the parties to “fully fulfill their obligations to ensure the safety of UNIFIL personnel at all times” and to allow it to continue carrying out its mandate.

“The troops and other personnel of UNIFIL, to which 16 Member States of the European Union currently contribute, work in difficult conditions in defense of international peace and security. The EU pays tribute to their professionalism and renews its support unwavering commitment to the role of UNIFIL,” he said.

The head of European diplomacy, who has reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and for the parties to commit to achieving the full implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701, has added that Brussels is also concerned “deeply” by the continuous rocket fire by the Lebanese Shiite militia party Hezbollah, as well as the IDF attacks in densely populated areas, since they “cause a large number of civilian casualties and the displacement of many people”

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, openly asked the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, this Sunday, for the withdrawal of UNIFIL, whose members have become, in his opinion, “human shields” for the Hezbollah militias. which, in addition, endanger the Israeli military operating in the country.

UNIFIL, established in 1978, is made up of around 10,500 soldiers from around 50 countries, of which around 650 are Spanish, who ensure the ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. On October 1, the Israeli Armed Forces launched a ground invasion into Lebanon with the stated objective of attacking the militias of the Shiite Hezbollah party.

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