
This is Nihon Hidankyo, the Japanese NGO that fights for peace

This is Nihon Hidankyo, the Japanese NGO that fights for peace

In a world of wars and conflicts, The red button that everyone fears is nuclear weapons. The Japanese organization Nihon Hidankyo, awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, brings together survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks. They campaign for countries to get rid of this weaponry that would lead the world to self-destruct.

After the direct destruction of the explosion, the consequences were dramatic due to the pollution they left behind. The direct testimony of those affected who tell how they experienced first-hand the event that shocked the country, and its consequences are heartbreaking.

These survivors are known as hibakusha. In recent months they have signed statements against testing in the US or Russia. Of course, the awards committee has emphasized that despite the arms escalation, the efforts of countries not to use nuclear weapons in the numerous conflicts that have occurred. Nuclear energy has a important role in the energy transitionbut it also facilitates the manufacture of these missiles.

Founded in 1956, Nihon Hidankyo is the Japan’s only national organization that brings together survivors of these nuclear catastrophes. These weapons have gained even more relevance in the current context of international tensions, where the threat of a nuclear conflict is more palpable than ever. This time the cry to eliminate them The speaker has won this prestigious award. next year will mark 80 years since the explosion more destructive.

Their other demand is that they recognize the responsibility of the Japanese government for having entered the war, to recognize what damage was caused and to finance assistance programs for the hibakusha.

The ‘Hibakusha’ law

Although it continues to reject its share of the blame, the Japanese government has had to accept some of the claims of Nihon Hidankyo like the Law of Medical Care in 1957 wave Bomb Exposed Act of 1968.

In 1994, the Atomic Bomb Survivors Assistance Act was passed, although it did not provide financial aid to those affected nor did it recognize the government’s responsibility. That same year, the organization of Nihon Hidankyo was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the first time.

Current status of the Hiroshima dome

Current status of the Hiroshima dome


The president of the committee, Jorgen Watne Frydnes, wanted to mention in the award ceremony the increasing pressure he is experiencing “the nuclear red line“, the norm that declares the use of nuclear weapons as “morally unacceptable“.

“Nuclear powers are modernizing and improving their arsenals,” he said, “new countries are preparing to acquire nuclear weapons and are making threats to use them. At this moment in history, it is worth remembering what nuclear weapons are: the most destructive the world has ever seen“reports Europa Press

The Nobel Peace Prize

The Peace Prize is the fifth of the awards announced so far, after those for Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Literature, and follows the one awarded in 2023 to Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian activist who received the prize from prison.

This warrior’s fight for women’s rights encountered the ayatollahs’ wall. She was arrested 13 times, sentenced to 154 lashes and 31 years in prison. She also campaigned against the death penalty, the use of torture and sexualized violence against women.

La esencia del premio reivindica el compromiso de los individuos y organizaciones que pueden marcar la diferencia en situaciones bélicas. Este año el comité quiere honrar a los supervivientes que, a pesar del daño físico y emocional, han querido ponerse como ejemplo para que esto no vuelva a pasar. 

Había otros candidatos a este galardón como UNRWA, en defensa del pueblo palestino y contra la matanza en Oriente Medio, o el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR).

Pronto, no quedará nadie que pueda recordar de primera mano uno de los eventos más destructivos que se han visto. Con este premio esperan que no se olvide lo dañino que puede ser un gran poder usado irresponsablemente. 

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