economy and politics

Technical tables on health reform end: conclusions from the actors in the sector

Health reform

They concluded the technical tables to review the articles of the health reformsummoned by the speaker coordinators of the House of Representatives, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health and Social Protectionwith different actors of the national health system, among them, the Colombian Association of Comprehensive Medicine Companies (Acemi).

For the first time in the process of this reform, the concerns of the different agents of the health system were heard. There is agreement in some aspects and distances persist in others. The purpose of the table was not to reconcile or draft a new project, the objective was to listen to all of us and that has been accomplished“said the association.

(You can read: After a technical table, health sector actors call for a consensus on the reform).

Health reform

Ministry of Health and Social Protection

Acemi highlighted the following:

1. Identification of the roles of each actor in the health system: Acemi explains that there is a “generalized” concern due to the lack of clear definition of the roles and responsibilities between the managers, the Primary Health Care Centers (CAP), the territorial entities and the Administrator of the Resources of the General Social Security System in Health (Adres).

The role of agency and representation of the affiliate appears distributed among several actors without a visible and defined person responsible for them. It is also not clear who and how the financial risk of the system is managed to ensure the individual protection of each citizen for their health care.“he adds.

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2. Primary health care must involve all agents: The association explains that this must be done with sufficient resources, but that it does not mean defunding the complementary levels.

The reform is intensive in the effort to strengthen primary care, as well as public hospital infrastructure. Both objectives must be achieved without defunding medium and high complexity, which is where the highest percentage of health spending is concentrated: that is where the care and attention of the sick in Colombia is.“he added.




3. Coordination for health results: Acemi says that the comprehensive management of the population’s health appears “fragmented” at the levels of care, the disarticulation between the primary and complementary levels leads to inefficiencies and affects health results. “These aspects need to be corrected“.

4. The transition period: According to Acemi, continuity of care for users without trauma must be ensured. “The period of transition and comprehensive adjustment of the health system is enormously complex and involves hundreds of adjustments in the actors and their processes. It is required that the Law be described and defined at the highest level to avoid trauma in the care of the population.“.

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A structural issue

After the closing of the technical tables, the president of the Colombian American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Colombia), María Claudia Lacouturesaid that it is key to attend in detail to the structure of the health system, so as not to risk care for users.

Although the health reform technical table has had a valuable purpose, the project must focus on solving the structural problems of the health system, guaranteeing the protection of individuals and the economic well-being of Colombian families, in addition to providing clarity on financial sustainability. It is essential that these issues be thoroughly discussed in the House of Representatives“, said.


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