Science and Tech

Review: Doom + Doom II, the perfect collection to attract more fans

Review: Doom + Doom II, the perfect collection to attract more fans

The list doesn’t end there: deathmatches, online and cross-platform co-op for up to 16 players, all game texts translated into multiple languages ​​(including Mexican Spanish), and an overwhelming amount of accessibility options to configure video, audio, and controls. , which allows users with disabilities to enjoy the games.

One of the elements that maximizes the value of this collection are the modern versions of the soundtracks. IDKFAcompositions performed by Andrew Hulshult, including new recordings for DOOM II.

For fans who know these games by heart, it will be worth giving the collection a chance just for the pleasure of playing Doom with these sound arrangements.


Just like the demons that return from hell again and again, Doom refuses to die. That is why we are not exaggerating when we say that Doom is a meme. It is the video game that “can run inside anything”: a computer, a washing machine, a microwave, a wristwatch or even inside another video game.

But if in 2024 you are going to play the Doom saga for the first or umpteenth time, this collection is your best option. The games are in their optimal version, and asking them to bring something else would be a capital sin.

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