
VATICAN Kikuchi, David and the Latin archbishop of Tehran among the new cardinals

Pope Francis has announced a consistory that will be held on December 8. Among the new cardinals are four Asians: along with the archbishop of Tokyo and the president of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines, the Indonesian bishop of Bogor, Paskalis Bruno Syukur, and the Indian George Jacob Koovakad, in charge of travel, are on the list. papal After the Angelus the Pope launched a new appeal for peace: “Immediate ceasefire on all fronts, including Lebanon.”

Vatican City () – “I am pleased to announce that on December 8 I will hold a consistory for the appointment of new Cardinals. Its origin expresses the universality of the Church that continues to announce the merciful love of God to all men on earth.” With these words, after praying the Angelus, Pope Francis announced that within two months he will celebrate the tenth assembly to create 21 new cardinals. Among them, there are four from Asia: the archbishop of Tokyo Mons. Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi (Japan), who is also president of Caritas Internationalis, the president of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines, Mons. Pablo Virgilio David, bishop of Kalookan (Philippines), the bishop of Bogor, Bishop Paskalis Bruno Syukur (Indonesia) and Bishop George Jacob Koovakad, Vatican diplomat responsible for papal trips for some years, born in Chethipuzha (India) in 1973. It is also extremely significant At this historical moment the decision to confer the title of cardinal on Bishop Dominique Joseph Mathieu (Iran), bishop of the small Latin rite Catholic community of Tehran-Isfahan, and equally important for dialogue with the Muslim world is the purple granted to Bishop Jean-Paul Vesco, archbishop of Algiers.

With the new cardinals announced today, as of December 8 there will be 25 Asian cardinal electors out of a total of 144. Although it must be added that the archbishop of Mumbai, Oswald Gracias, will leave the group a few days later when he turns 80. December 24, while in the first months of 2025 another Indian, George Alencherry, and the Pakistani cardinal Joseph Coutts will exceed the canonical age. “The inclusion of the new Cardinals in the Diocese of Rome also manifests the indissoluble link between the See of Peter and the particular Churches spread throughout the world,” said Bergoglio, who has so far created 142 new cardinals, including 113 voters who reveal the special sensitivity for the “peripheries” of the world. The Pontiff traveled to Asia early last month and made a stop in Indonesia. “Let us pray for the new Cardinals – he said -, so that, confirming their adherence to Christ, the merciful and faithful High Priest, they may help me in the ministry of Bishop of Rome for the good of all the holy people of God.”

Pablo Virgilio Davidbishop of Kalookan, was born in Betis, Guagua, Pampanga, in the archdiocese of San Fernando, on March 2, 1959. Director of the Mother of God Counsel Seminary until 1986, he studied until 1991 at the Catholic University of Louvain attending the École Jerusalem Bible. In the Philippines he has held various positions: professor and director of the Theology Department of the seminary since 2002. Vice president of the Association of Catholic Bible Scholars of the Philippines and of the Archdiocesan Media Apostolate Networks, he is the author of numerous publications on the Scriptures.

Paskalis Bruno SyukurBishop of Bogor, was born on May 17, 1962 in Ranggu, Diocese of Ruteng, on the island of Flores. He made his solemn profession with the Franciscan Minors on January 22, 1989 and was ordained a priest in 1991. He has held various positions, such as Provincial Minister of Indonesia (2001-2009) and General Definitor of the OFM for Asia and Oceania in Rome (since 2009).

Tarcisio Isao Kikuchiarchbishop of Tokyo, was born on November 1, 1958 in Iwate prefecture, diocese of Sendai. After his studies in Japan, he made his perpetual profession in the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Divine Word in March 1985; He was ordained a priest in March 1986. He completed his studies in Australia. Since 1996 he was Coordinator of the “Justice and Peace” Office in the Asia Pacific region of the SVD; Since 1998 he has been a member of Caritas Japan – he held the position of executive director – and representative of the Japanese bishops at various international conferences and meetings. He was first bishop of Niigata from 2004 to 2017.

Dominique Joseph Mathieu Archbishop of Tehran Isfahan, he was born on June 13, 1963 in Arlon, Belgium. He entered the Order of Conventual Friars Minor after finishing his secondary studies. He was ordained a priest on September 24, 1989. Since 2013 he has been incardinated in the Provincial Custody of the East and the Holy Land. Within his Order, he was Rector of the National Sanctuary of Saint Anthony of Padua in Brussels and Director of the corresponding Brotherhood. He settled in Lebanon in 2013 and in the Provincial Custody of the East and the Holy Land he was Custodial Secretary, Formator, Master of Novices and Rector of Postulants and Candidates. On January 8, 2021, he was appointed archbishop of Tehran Isfahan (Iran).

After the Marian prayer, Francis also launched a strong appeal for peace in the world, on the eve of October 7, the first anniversary of the Hamas attack. “Tomorrow will mark one year since the terrorist attack against the population of Israel, to which I renew my closeness. Let us not forget that there are still many hostages in Gaza, for whom I ask for immediate release,” Bergoglio said. “I ask for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts, including Lebanon. Let us pray for the Lebanese.” This afternoon the Pope will go to the Basilica of Santa María Maggiore to invoke the intercession of the Mother of God “Tomorrow will be a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world. Let us unite with the force of Good against the diabolical plots of war.”

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