economy and politics

The ephemeral life of Más País: from the 2019 general elections to integration into Movimiento Sumar

The ephemeral life of Más País: from the 2019 general elections to integration into Movimiento Sumar

“I am willing to lead a candidacy that guarantees a progressive government.” These are the words that Íñigo Errejón spoke in September 2019 at the launch of Más País. PSOE and Unidas Podemos had failed in their negotiations to form a coalition government and Spain was heading for new elections. The political leader detected that there was room for a new left-wing brand that would help the formation of a progressive government. That thesis did not work and with the arrival of Yolanda Díaz Errejón he began a process of rapprochement that ended five years later with the integration of his party into Movimiento Sumar, a process that the leader himself defends as “natural.”

In the summer of 2019 Errejón was digesting the effects of the regional and municipal elections. After his break with Podemos and the launch of Más Madrid, he had obtained 20 deputies in the Assembly but had not managed to revalidate the mayor’s office with Manuela Carmena at the head of the candidacy. The negotiations between Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias were not progressing and led the country to a repeat election.

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