The Ministries of Finance and Public Credit and of Mines and Energy filed before the General Secretary of the House of Representatives he Royalties Budget project 2025-2026. This initiative reaches an amount of $30.9 billion, equivalent to 1.7% of GDP.
According to the project, 82.5% of income corresponds to current income ($25.5 billion) and the remaining 17.5% to other income, the vast majority coming from financial returns ($5.2 trillion). “This project will allow increasing social spending in the regions“, say both portfolios.
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They also clarified that the initiative continues for study and subsequent voting by the Economic Commissions of the House of Representatives.
“The resources incorporated in this budget are essential to: strengthen decentralization, autonomy and territorial development, promote economic reactivation, support the transformation of the economy within the framework of the fair energy transition and environmentally sustainable production, contribute to the closing regional gaps and promoting compliance with the goals proposed in the development plans of territorial entities“, they mention.
Where do the resources go?
Minhcienda and Minenergía explained that the budget for investment in the territories, for $29 billion, will be distributed as follows:
– $6.4 billion They will be assigned directly to producing territorial entities and ports.
– $8.8 billion They will be assigned to the departments and regions of the country for the approval of projects with high regional impact, likely to generate economies of scale in the use of resources.
– Two billion pesos They will be aimed at financing projects in science, technology and innovation, of which $511 billion must be allocated to projects in science, technology and innovation with an impact on the environment and sustainable development.
– $5.4 billion They will finance projects that stabilize and transform the territories most affected by violence, poverty, illicit economies and institutional weakness, and thus achieve the rural development required by the 170 PDET municipalities.
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– $2.8 billion They will be assigned to the poorest municipalities and will contribute to closing gaps and expanding territorial productive capacities that allow obtaining greater economic and social returns from the resources of the General Royalties System.
– $255 billion for the protection and conservation of strategic environmental areas, sustainable development and the fight against deforestation, a purpose that will be supported by the investment of $432 billion,”that the poorest municipalities in the country and the ethnic communities must guarantee for this purpose“.
– $592 billion They will be assigned to the ethnic groups of the country aimed at protecting the rights of the indigenous peoples, the black, Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquera communities and the Rrom or Gypsy people of the country.
– Cormagdalena will receive $128 billion for investment in the territorial entities bordering the Río Grande de la Magdalena.
It should be noted that for savings $1.1 billion will be allocated through the Territorial Stabilization and Pension Savings Funds. Likewise, $255 billion for the control and monitoring of the execution of SGR resources.
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Both portfolios mention that they also $511 billion will be allocated for the operation, operation and administration of the SGR; for the supervision of the exploration and exploitation of deposits; knowledge and geological mapping of the subsoil; the evaluation and monitoring of environmental licensing for exploration and exploitation projects of non-renewable natural resources; and to encourage exploration and production.
Hydrocarbon royalties ratified
Minhacienda and Minenergía also mentioned that Hydrocarbon production will continue to be the main source of royalty generation in the country. They explain that in the next biennium, on average, 68% of the SGR’s current income will be generated by the hydrocarbon sector and the remaining 32% by the mining sector.
“This budget strictly complies with the constitutional and legal mandates that govern the matter; which are contained in articles 360 and 361 of the Political Constitution, Law 2056 of 2020 and the Single Regulatory Decree of the SGR“, they point out.
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