
RUSSIAN WORLD Russia’s battle against neoliberal totalitarianism

In two speeches delivered these days, President Putin and the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill have once again made it clear that the objective of the war is not only Ukraine but the entire West, with its model of society that attributes “an absolute value to individual decisions.” A political, moral and spiritual challenge.

Russian President Putin and Moscow Patriarch Kirill have returned in recent days to declaim the ideological principles that impose the “need” to act at a military level in Ukraine, to put a stop to the Western invasion that, in their opinion, intends to impose a model of society and coexistence absolutely unacceptable for the Russians and disastrous for the entire world community, which Russia intends to defend.

Kirill spoke at the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, where an evening in memory of the martyr Metropolitan of Petrograd Venjamin (Kazansky) was held. Venjamin was executed by the Bolsheviks 100 years ago and is one of the first and greatest witnesses of the faith at the beginning of the persecutions against the Church, along with other martyred bishops and priests. In his honor the orchestra performed the “Passion on Golgotha” oratorio. The patriarch took the opportunity to warn about the need to resist the new persecution, which is the “diffusion of sin” imposed by the secularized and consumerist ideology of the West.

Kirill cited as an example the “passion for beautiful clothes, which makes people lose their minds” and is proposed “with insistent insistence through cinema and literature”. When one gives in to this propaganda, “everything is destroyed in people’s lives, family life, morals; man himself becomes weak and submits to external forces.” The fault lies with “contemporary liberalism, which attributes an absolute value to individual decisions. And a huge number of people in the world live according to this criterion, especially in Western countries, thinking that this is well-being.” On the contrary, one must live “thinking about the really important things, observing divine laws and professing one’s faith at all levels: in politics, economics and science,” the patriarch concluded.

The persecutions that broke out a hundred years ago, of which Venjamin was a victim, were due to the Soviet imposition to confiscate Church property in 1921-22, when the civil war between Whites and Reds that had plunged Russia into a serious crisis and caused widespread famine. The Church was accused of opposing confiscation and concealing assets, which led to the arrest and death sentence of many members of the Orthodox clergy and also some Catholic priests and bishops. In total, the Orthodox Church today counts 1,700 “new martyrs” from Soviet times, and the Catholic Church has also proclaimed some. The parallelism proposed by Kirill is particularly expressive of the “salvific” interpretation of the martyrdom that Russia must face: stripping itself of “superfluous goods” is precisely the effect that the war in Ukraine is causing due to Western sanctions.

Vladimir Putin also condemned the “neoliberal totalitarianism” that is being imposed throughout the world through “the hegemony of the West” and against which Russia has decided to react. He did it during his speech at the 10th Moscow Security Conference, which was not attended by representatives of “unfriendly” countries and was limited to the Russians and a few allies. In his opinion, “the Western elites are trying by all means to preserve this hegemony that is slipping out of their hands” in the new stage of the world order inaugurated by the war in Ukraine.

That hegemony, for the head of the Kremlin, means “stagnation, obscurantism, cancellation of culture”, a dictatorship much worse than the Soviet one, he said in tune with Patriarch Kirill. We are therefore in the second phase of the war, in which military intervention constitutes the necessary “defensive” premise while the Russian leaders prepare to launch the most massive and decisive attack, the ideological one, knowing that in this field they have many more allies that on the battlefield of soldiers and bombs. The objective is to free itself from the oppression of “collective Western neo-colonialism”, characterized by the search for new military allies, which instead of guaranteeing greater security in Europe and the world “produces exactly the opposite effect”. That is why in December of last year the measures proposed by Russia for mutual security were ignored, forcing it to make the decision to execute the “special military operation”, which according to Putin was carried out “in full compliance with the United Nations statute “.

For Putin, the sanctions only punish those who issued them “illegally” and have caused the European Union more than 400,000 million dollars of losses due to the “feverish hysteria of the sanctions, completely out of reality and against all common sense” . Today, on the other hand, we can finally begin to “trace the contours of a multipolar world order, and more and more countries are opting for a free and sovereign development model, based on their own identity, values ​​and traditions. ”.

Putin implies that he is closely watching the processes and changes that are taking place in the politics of many Western countries, where “globalist elites that cause chaos” are increasingly challenged by “sovereignty alternatives.” The US and “its vassals” try to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, “organizing provocations, coups and civil wars”, and consequently “it is necessary to resist even with the use of force”.

NATO is trying to expand to the East by increasing the power of its military infrastructure, and that is why it constitutes the real threat to world security. In recent years it has prepared the people of Ukraine “for a cannon fodder fate, implementing an anti-Russian project and turning a blind eye to the spread of neo-Nazi ideology.” The “Anglosaks” want to spread this conflict to the world whole, and from Eastern Europe they will go to Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Putin explicitly referred to US maneuvers in the Pacific region and its “adventurism” in relations with Taiwan, such as Nancy Pelosi’s visit, thus implicitly invoking the protection of Beijing’s big brother. But addressing his cherished audience, the electorates of Western countries, he accused the perfidious globalists of “trying to distract their citizens’ attention from the most serious social and economic problems by placing the blame on Russia and China, such as the collapse of the level of life, unemployment, poverty, deindustrialization and many other areas in crisis”.

The target of Putin’s war is not only Ukraine but the entire West, from which Russia has no intention of breaking away. On the contrary, it is preparing to dominate it, not so much militarily as politically, morally and spiritually.

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