
How to Improve Windows 11 Performance by Removing Bloatware

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Debloat in Windows 11: what does this process entail?

In this guide I am going to explain to you what the “debloat” process means in Windows 11 and what are some of the most recommended methods to do it. In addition, I provide you with some warnings in this regard, as well as tools that simplify and make debloat in Windows 11 safer.

The first step is to understand well what the expression “debloat Windows 11” means. The term debloat It is composed of the prefix de (equivalent to dis- in Spanish) and the first part of the word bloatware. But what does this term refer to?

Bloatware is understood to be programs, tools, services or other software components that, without being essential for the operation of the operating system, are included without user authorization. In fact, the term bloat in English means to bloat. Bloatware is software that unnecessarily bloats a system. Therefore, “debloat Windows 11” literally means deflate Windows 11.

At this point, you may be wondering why manufacturers are bloating operating systems like Windows 11. This trend is common in other markets as well, like Android devices. We can even say that iPhones and iPads include Apple bloatware.

The reason bloatware is included in Windows 11 (and other systems) is for business purposes. For example, if when you reinstall the system you come across the pre-installed Spotify app It is because Microsoft has an agreement with this company.

Why is it important to debloat in Windows 11?

The debloat process in Windows 11 it is beneficial for different reasons. These are the main ones:

  • Improve performance. As some of the pre-installed programs run in the background, removing them restores both RAM and CPU resources to your computer.
  • Increase privacy. The debloat process also includes the deactivation of unnecessary services, such as those intended to monitor the user. Additionally, deleting apps potentially reduces tracking by developers.
  • Gain space on the hard drive. If you have a little bit of storage on your computer, there is no doubt that the debloat in Windows 11 will do your computer very well.

All the ways to debloat in Windows 11

Next, I explain what all the methods are to apply a debloat to Windows 11. My advice is that you read each section carefully to avoid possible errors in the application of the procedures.

Uninstalling applications manually

The easiest and least risky way to debloat Windows 11 is to delete pre-installed apps manually.

To do this, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access Windows 11 settings with the Windows + I keyboard shortcut. Then, click on Applications.
  2. Enter Installed applications.
  3. Locate the app you want to delete. For example, you can delete Bing web search, Sticky Notes, and others.

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Remember that, from the start menu, you will also be able to delete most of the applications. Simply right click on the corresponding icon and select the option Uninstall.

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Keep in mind that many of the applications you see in this space are nothing more than shortcuts which start the download of the full application. Therefore, deleting them will not help you recover space, but it will help you remove unnecessary items from the start menu.

With third-party tools

Another possibility that you have at your disposal is to use a third-party application to remove components and pre-installed software in Windows 11. These tools They go where the system configuration does not allow you to go. That is, they are capable of deactivating services and programs that cannot be uninstalled.

There are tons of tools created by enthusiastic developers and published on GitHub as open source projects. In fact, a quick Google search is enough to find a lot of tools of this type.

One that has always worked very well for me is Win Debloat Tools. One of its main assets is that it has a user interface that simplifies things a lot.

You can use this tool as follows:

  1. Access your GitHub project with the link above.
  2. Then click code and choose the option Download ZIP.

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  3. Extract the contents of the ZIP to a folder on your computer and click on the file OpenTerminalHere.cmd. This will open a terminal in the current directory.

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  4. In the terminal window, run the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force; ls -Recurse .ps1 | Unblock-File; .”WinDebloatTools.ps1″

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  5. So, check the options you prefer and then click on Apply Tweaks. The changes will be applied through the command line.

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With this tool you can remove Microsoft telemetry services, modify system settings, such as activating dark mode, or remove programs that cannot be uninstalledlike Microsoft Edge. It also deletes the Windows.old folder with one click, allowing you to recover space on your storage drive. Additionally, it has tools to recover each and every one of these applications.

Deactivating services manually

Another possibility to make Windows 11 lighter is to disable services that are not strictly necessary. To carry out this procedure safely, I recommend have the right knowledge and know exactly what each service does. On the other hand, it is also important that you record the changes applied so you can revert them in case something goes wrong.

You can locate the Services tool with Windows 11 search.

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Then, just filter the list so that only those that are running appear. This will make it easier for you to deactivate those that started when you turned on the computer.

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When accessing the properties of each service, you will see a button to Arrest the execution. Additionally, you can tell the system that you do not want it to start automatically during power-up.

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If you notice that any Windows component is not working as expected, it is best to try again. enable the associated service. Simply activate it again and allow it to run automatically during power-on.

With automated scripts (not recommended)

The last way to debloat in Windows 11 is with custom scripts. In essence, these sets of commands do the same thing that we have already seen when talking about third-party tools. The problem is that they do not allow the user to choose what is to be disabled and what is not.

That’s why, we do not recommend using these scripts. Obviously, they are an effective way to debloat Windows 11 and that is why they are mentioned in this guide. However, a script could also contain harmful commands or remove necessary system components. The consequences, in those cases, can be devastating. The scripts can delete important datacorrupting the system and forcing you to reinstall Windows from scratch.

Debloat Windows 11: yes or no?

Apply debloat to Windows 11, especially with third-party tools, scripts and service deactivation carries some risks. Obviously, uninstalling a handful of apps won’t be a problem.

I consider that, on most current computers, it is not so important to apply a debloat in Windows 11. I do find it quite convenient to disable telemetry in all cases, but if your computer has plenty of resources, you will barely notice the difference. Things are very different if you have a modest computer.

After applying an extreme debloat on some of my computers, I have managed to get Windows 11 to stop consuming 4 GB of RAM as soon as it starts to consume only 2 GB. From experience, I can tell you that it is a procedure that works. However, it’s only worth taking risks if you have a computer that runs low on RAM and CPU.

End of Article. Tell us something in the Comments!

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