
‘The escalation is unacceptable. We must do everything possible to stop it’

At the general audience on Wednesday he expressed his concern about the news coming from the Land of the Cedars. Closeness to the Lebanese people and to all the “peoples tormented” by wars. Catechesis on the Holy Spirit, ally against the evil that hides in superstition: “There is no dialogue with the devil.”

Vatican City () – “I am saddened by the news from Lebanon, where intense bombing has caused many deaths and destruction in recent days.” At the end of this morning’s general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis referred to the dramatic situation in the Middle East, especially the Israeli offensive of the last few days which has caused more than 560 victims in the Land of the Cedars. “I hope that the international community will do everything possible to stop this terrible escalation. It is unacceptable! I express my condolences to the Lebanese people, who have already suffered too much in recent times,” Bergoglio continued.

In front of some 20,000 faithful from every corner of the earth, the Holy Father invited them to pray for peace and “for all the peoples who suffer because of war.” “Let us not forget,” he insisted, “the tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, Palestine, Israel and Sudan.” Addressing a group of confirmands from the Italian diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro who were present at today’s audience, Francis said: “Dear young people, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, be courageous witnesses of the Gospel among your peers and do not tire of being protagonists of peace and fraternity in the environment in which you live.” The much-desired peace can be built, first of all, in daily life, starting from the involvement and attention given to young people.

The catechesis that he read at the beginning of today’s meeting and was later summarized in different languages, referred to the passage from the Gospel of Luke (Lk 4:1-2, 13-14) where Jesus “was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil” (v. 1). “The Holy Spirit, our ally in the fight against the spirit of evil” was the theme of this morning’s catechesis, which is part of the cycle “The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the People of God to an encounter with Jesus, our hope.”

The reflection began by referring to “a strange phenomenon related to the devil” that is currently being witnessed. “At a certain cultural level, it is believed that he simply does not exist. It would be a symbol of the collective unconscious, or of alienation; in short, a metaphor,” he explained. The devil “is cunning: he makes us believe that he does not exist and thus he can dominate everything. He is cunning.” However, the world is “replete” with his expressions, which can be seen above all in superstitious practices. “If you are superstitious, you are unconsciously dialoguing with the devil. You do not dialogue with the devil,” said the Holy Father.

He then explained that the “strongest” proof of the devil’s existence “is not found in sinners or in the possessed, but in the saints.” Precisely the enlightened lives of holy people always face a struggle “with this dark reality.” And we can emerge victorious, win this battle “as Jesus won it in the desert: with the word of God.” “Jesus does not dialogue with the devil, he never did. He expels him or condemns him, but he never dialogues,” said Pope Francis. Another means that is also useful to confront evil is vigilance. St. Peter suggests it: “Be sober, be vigilant. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8).

Finally, Bergoglio warned against the “means of giving opportunities to the devil” that technology offers. Among them, pornography and the “thriving market” that it brings with it. “This is a widespread phenomenon that Christians must be wary of and that they must vigorously reject.” But, despite the “action of the devil” that is at work in this “technological and secularized” world, we must not be discouraged. “The final thought must be, in this case too, one of trust and security,” he added. “Christ has defeated the devil and has given us the Holy Spirit to make his victory our own.”

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