Science and Tech

Embraer has just taken its popular E2 aircraft to the next level: they will debut an automatic takeoff system

Embraer 2

It is no secret that most passenger aircraft flying today have autopilot. This type of system increases flight safety while lighten the workload which the crew must perform, but is unable to take on all human functions. For example, commercial aircraft takeoffs are still carried out manually. Now, we have reason to believe that the latter could begin to change.

Embraer has presented the “E2 Enhanced Take Off System”. This automatic take-off system promises, in addition to the already known advantages, to increase both the range and the load capacity of aircraft. In other words, it will be possible to transport more passengers and fly longer distances, which means two major advantages for airlines, which will be able to open new destinations while maintaining the same combination of airport and aircraft.

Aircraft with greater automation

When E2 Enhanced Take Off System is activated, pilots no longer have to take over the task of rotation. Embraer says the system is so precise that it operates in climb margins closer to the optimum, allowing the aircraft to travel a shorter distance on the runway and take off beforecompared to performing a takeoff completely manually. It also addresses a type of event known as “tailstrike”.

When we talk about tailstrike we are referring to an event in which the tail of the aircraft hits the runway. This usually occurs during takeoff, although it can also occur during landing. E2 Enhanced Take Off System, as we can see, is very promising, but pilots must keep their hands on the controls during its operation in order to take control in case of emergency.

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Over the past few years we have seen several planes take off and land without pilots on board, but everything seems to indicate that there is still we’re far away to see passenger aircraft operating autonomously. Luis Carlos Alfonso, senior vice president of engineering and technological development at Embraer, He told “We are only adding one phase, which is the takeoff phase, where you can now have the autopilot activated.”

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The E2 Enhanced Take Off System will be introduced as a feature on its E-190-E2 and E-195-E2 passenger aircraft, which in 2018 received new engines, wings and avionics. The automatic take-off system is currently in the testing phase and is awaiting approval from local authorities for its implementation from 2025 at three airports: London City in England, Florence in Italy and Santos Dumont in Brazil.

Images | Embraer

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