
More than 500 families displaced by rains in a Sahrawi refugee camp in Algeria

September 24 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Sahrawi Red Crescent (MLRS) reported on Tuesday that approximately 520 families have been displaced by heavy rainfall in one of the refugee camps located in the Algerian province of Tindouf, declared a “disaster zone” by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

The MLRS has updated the number of displaced families to 520 and has specified in a statement that 27 percent of them have lost their homes, although the number of those affected by the torrential rains is expected to increase even further.

The organisation has called on donors, UN agencies and other NGOs to provide “immediate support” in response to the “serious emergency caused by the floods” in the Dakhla camp, which began last Thursday and have intensified in recent days.

“The MLRS, in coordination with other humanitarian entities, has rapidly activated its emergency response protocols. Tents and essential shelter items are being distributed to those affected, but the current response capacity is insufficient to address the expanding crisis,” he added.

The Interior Ministry of the SADR, controlled by the Polisario Front, has announced that, “in view of the exceptional situation”, a disaster has been formally declared throughout the wilaya and some non-essential activities, including classes, have been halted.

The five camps, located near the town of Tindouf, are home to some 170,000 refugees. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 88 percent of the population suffer from food shortages and 60 percent have no economic activity.

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