
Man sentenced to death in Tanzania for killing another man during a fight over a one euro payment

September 22 (EUROPA PRESS) –

A Tanzanian court on Sunday sentenced a man to death by hanging for killing another man during a dispute over a payment of 3,000 shillings (about one euro) to the victim’s wife to help him harvest corn.

According to information gathered by the Tanzanian daily ‘The Citizen’, the convicted man, identified as Sudy Omari, gave 3,000 shillings to the wife of the victim, Joseph Misgaro, to help him in the fields.

When he failed to complete his work on time, he went to berate her, prompting Misgaro to intervene and claim that he would finish his work on Monday. In response, Omari assaulted the victim, who fell to the ground and suffered a fractured skull, dying shortly after.

Judge John Nkwabi stressed that the prosecution had proven the defendant’s guilt beyond all doubt. “The evidence clearly shows that the defendant intended to kill the victim, probably believing that he was responsible for the delay in completing the job,” he said.

However, Omari has stated that on the day of the incident he was on his way home after finishing his work at a quarry when the victim’s children stopped him and asked him to go to the place where their father was lying, which is why he expressed his surprise at the accusation and asked to be acquitted.

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