economy and politics

Does Colombian Citizen Income have a registration process?

Citizen Income

Citizen Income It is a proposal presented by Social Prosperity which aims to provide economic support to vulnerable sectors of the country.What is the registration process?

Citizen Income


What you need to know about the Citizen Income registration process in Colombia

In information that has been provided on the entity’s official website it is indicated: “Citizen Income will not have a REGISTRATION PROCESS, but rather Prosperidad Social will carry out the identification, selection and linking of potential beneficiary households through administrative records from the official sources that are defined.” the authorities point out.

(See more: Citizen Income: How do I know if I have a balance in Banco Agrario?)

In this context, they suggest that it is important to maintain the information that appears in Sisbén IV and also to be attentive to the communications that are issued in the various communication channels that the institution has.

What are the requirements to join Renta Ciudadana?

To become one of the beneficiaries of this subsidy, the following requirements must be met:

(See more: Colombia Without Hunger: Is there a new date for the 2024 payments?)

1. Have a valid SISBEN IV/Social Household Registry.

2. Be included in the lists of indigenous populations, which must be validated by the Ministry of the Interior.

Citizen Income

Citizen Income


Who is Renta Ciudadana aimed at?

This is a proposal that provides financial assistance to households in extreme and moderate poverty. Taking into account the above, the Department of Social Prosperity has created a representative database taking into consideration the entry conditions for each Line of Intervention.

(See more: Colombia Without Hunger: Is there a new date for the 2024 payments?)

Why were payments to beneficiaries delayed in September?

“There are delays in these payments because the Ministry of Finance has not sent us any money. But even if there is a delay, we always pay. It is a commitment that exists and we must fulfill it,” mentioned Gustavo Bolivar, Director of the Department of Social Prosperity after attending an event in Cereté.

Cereté News
Through a video posted on social media, he confirmed that the official mentioned that they already have the platform ready, but the money has not yet been transferred.

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