economy and politics

The solution to the lack of supply? They ask to increase the flow of the Bogotá River

Chingaza system

This Friday, the Office of the Attorney General for Environmental Affairsnext to the Legal standingvisited the Chuza reservoir with the aim of corroborating the current situation that this dam system is going through, which supplies water to the city of Bogotá and surrounding municipalities.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the Regional Autonomous Corporation (CAR) of Cundinamarcathe reservoir is at a storage capacity of 36%, which is equivalent to about 80 million cubic meters of water.

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Although a real scenario of water shortage could be faced, the Attorney General’s Office advised, as a measure to guarantee supply in the region, to continue with the optimizations of the Tibitoc Drinking Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Increase water extraction from the Bogotá River.

Chingaza System.


The Attorney General’s Office recommended increasing the flow granted by the CAR, coming from the Bogotá River, in order to guarantee the supply of water for human consumption, especially in times of drought.“, the supervisory body indicated.

(Read also: Bogotá will resume daily water rationing: when will the measure begin to apply?).

It is worth mentioning that this has been an atypical year in terms of rainfall for the region and for the country, since the arrival of the La Niña phenomenon for the month of July of the current year, according to the Ideam; however, it is already September and these have not yet arrived.

(We recommend: Bogotá Mayor’s Office announces new water rationing measures).

In addition, The influx is expected to be much loweras he said this Friday Mayor of Bogota, Carlos Fernando Galanamid the presentation of new rationing measures in the country’s capital.


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