economy and politics

Workshop for the generation of ecosystem accounts for Guatemala

In light of the technical cooperation activities previously implemented between the Bank of Guatemala and the Statistics Division of ECLAC that have contributed to developing actions to strengthen the Bank’s statistical capacities, ECLAC was asked to continue its current technical support. In Guatemala, ecosystem accounts have not yet been implemented. However, thanks to the Bank’s efforts, four environmental accounts are being worked on simultaneously. In this context, this Workshop for the generation of ecosystem accounts for Guatemala was held from August 20 to 23, 2024, with the aim of improving technical capacities in the field of ecosystem accounts. This technical assistance also focused on assessing institutional challenges, especially those related to strengthening the environmental statistics system. The aim is to generate the inter-institutional agreements necessary for cooperation, ensure adequate financing, develop the technical skills of the work teams and integrate information from environmental accounts into policy design.


The general objective was to introduce and review the main concepts of Ecosystem Accounting with the purpose of strengthening the capacities of the Environmental Accounting Section of the Bank of Guatemala, as well as to learn about the advances and examples of good practices in countries of the region that allow consolidating development in this area.


It is addressed to the Environmental Accounts team within the Macroeconomic Statistics Department of the Central Bank of the Republic of Guatemala.

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