
Reduce cortisol levels in your body and lose weight healthily


Detoxify your body from cortisol with these tips and lose weight healthily in a short time

In addition to the obesity and overweightOther conditions such as headaches, poor posture, skin diseases and even insomnia, depression and anxiety may be caused by high levels of cortisol in the body, which is why they perform a Detoxification To reduce them it is necessary from time to time, in addition to Improve those habits that don’t allow you to progress in the gym.

Today in Cosmopolitan We have prepared some healthy tips for you, but we want to remind you that Self-medication is never an option, so professional help would be our first recommendation..

Cortisol is an essential hormone for survival, it is generated in the brain when perceived a threat of any kind.

The central nervous system sends a signal to the adrenal glands to release a surge of hormones—including cortisol and adrenaline—to tell you to escape or be prepared to face the conflict, so having high levels of cortisol in the body implies a a heavy expenditure of energy that will keep you permanently stressed and tired.

Signs of stress are damaging your health

This is how stress affects your health

Tips to detoxify the body from cortisol and lose weight healthily

  • Exercise regularly: preferably, adopt routines of up to 40 minutes.
  • Have restful dreams: sleep deeply at least 8 hours daily
  • Eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet.: This involves reducing the consumption of refined sugar, flour and caffeine, as well as increasing the consumption of vitamin C.
  • Perform relaxation practices such as meditation and yoga.
  • Maintain healthy social relationships: Eliminate from your life those emotional relationships that do not contribute to your growth
  • Prioritize tasks and manage time: Eating at a set time and having at least 3 meals a day is a priority. Avoid postponing pending tasks that increase your anxiety levels.
  • Caring for a plant or pet
  • Take walks in the open air
  • Reduce the use of electronic devices
Stress belly: does cortisol prevent you from losing weight?

Stress belly: does cortisol prevent you from losing weight?

‘This article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.cosmopolitan.com.mx’

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