economy and politics

Public holidays in Colombia: what are the remaining public holidays in the country in 2024?

Holiday calendar

The holidays They are eagerly awaited by different people throughout the country. The reasons are commonly related to rest and of course the possibility of getting away from the routine of work or even academic activities.

In this context, in Colombia during this year 2024 a total of 18 holidays will be commemorated, which also include religious, cultural and cultural tributes of great importance for the country.

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Below are the dates that are still to be commemorated in our country during the year 2024:

Public holidays in October 2024

October 14: Day of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of the Colombian Nation.

Public holidays in November 2024

November 4th: All Hallows.

November 11:
Cartagena Independence Day.

Holidays in December 2024

December 8th:
day of the Immaculate Conception.

December 25: Christmas.

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Holiday calendar


Why is the Day of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of the Colombian Nation celebrated?

In 2021, the authorities of the country’s Ministry of Culture indicated that on October 12, the so-called Columbus Day was renamed the Day of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity of the Colombian Nation.

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It should be noted that this was an initiative that also emerged in the 1991 Constitution, in a document that emphasizes the pluralistic nature of our country and thus pays tribute to the ethnic diversity that resides in the national territory.

Faced with this situation, the Unesco maintains that cultural diversity takes on diverse forms over time and space. “This diversity is manifested in the originality and plurality of identities that characterize the groups and societies that make up humanity. A source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for the human race as biological diversity is for living organisms. In this sense, it constitutes the common heritage of humanity and must be recognized and consolidated for the benefit of present and future generations.”they noted.

Based on all of the above, it can be confirmed that Colombian soil is a place where indigenous people, mestizos, gypsies, and Afro-descendants coexist in the company of individuals with diversity on the ideological, religious, gender, and sexual levels.

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