economy and politics

Afores register profits in August; the highest in 9 months

Afores register profits in August; the highest in 9 months

In it accumulated from January to Augustthe Afores have added capital gains of 457,152 million pesosa figure higher than the 157,563 million recorded in the same period in 2023.

Unemployment withdrawals are falling

Unemployment withdrawals, a benefit given by Afores to those who have an account and lost their jobs, registered the lowest amount since February 2022.

In August, these withdrawals amounted to 1,562 million pesos, a drop of 46.5% compared to August of last year.

Unemployment benefits are given to people who have an Afore account and who have been unemployed for more than 45 days. Workers who request this benefit receive support of up to 30 days of the last salary reported to the IMSS. As a result, weeks of contributions are taken away, which are necessary to obtain a pension.

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