
Former President Zedillo warns of damage to democracy in Mexico due to judicial reform

( Spanish) – Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo said on Sunday that the recently enacted judicial reform leads to the devastation of the judiciary since “it has nothing to improve the State’s capacity to seek and impart justice.”

During his participation in the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association (IBA) in Mexico City, the former PRI president said that the objective of the reform is to destroy the judicial system as it is known.

“Their intention is simply to destroy the judiciary as an independent and professional entity, and transform it into a servant of those who hold and concentrate political power,” Zedillo said in his message.

Zedillo warned that the reform proposal was a response to President López Obrador’s frustration at not having a submissive Supreme Court of Justice and became a “brutal revenge: the destruction of the independence and integrity of the Judiciary so that it would be at the service of the political force in power.”

has asked the Mexican government’s press office for comment on Zedillo’s remarks, but has not yet received a response.

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