The Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament calls on the Member States of the European Union to recognise Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia as the “legitimate and democratically elected president of Venezuela” and to do “everything possible” to ensure that he can take office on January 10, 2025.
The group chaired by the German Manfred Weber In a motion for a resolution on Venezuela, registered this Friday, it also calls on “the EU and its Member States to request an international arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro for crimes against humanity for all the serious human rights violations he committed.”
At the same time, it calls for targeted sanctions to be imposed on Maduro and his inner circle, their families and all those responsible for human rights violations in the country.
The European Parliament will debate the crisis in Venezuela on Tuesday after the European People’s Party (EPP), Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Patriots and Renew Europe groups requested it, they told Efe parliamentary sources said, and a resolution on the matter will be voted on Thursday.
The different political groups in the European Parliament prepare their contributions to the debate and the resolution that they will vote on in plenary session next week on the political crisis in Venezuela, with discrepancies over the recognition of the opposition candidate in the last presidential elections, Edmundo González Urrutia.
In its proposal, the EPP Group recognises González Urrutia as the “legitimately and democratically” elected president of Venezuela; it also recognises María Corina Machado as the leader of the democratic forces in Venezuela, since “she was elected in the primaries of the Unitary Platform in 2023 with 92.35% of the votes”.
Therefore, calls on “all EU Member States to recognise Edmundo González Urrutia as the legitimate president and democratically elected from Venezuela.”
And calls on “the EU and its Member States to do everything possible to ensure that the legitimate and democratically elected president can take office on 10 January 2025, in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution.”
Likewise, “it strongly condemns and fully rejects the electoral fraud orchestrated by the CNE controlled by the regime, which refused to make public the official result through the minutes of each voting table despite repeated calls from the international community.”
In parallel, The EPP Group’s proposal fully supports the investigations of the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Independent Fact-Finding Mission into the “widespread crimes and acts of repression by the Venezuelan regime” and calls on the EU to support investigations, currently being considered under the Rome Statute, into alleged crimes against humanity, in order to hold those responsible to account.
In this context, “it calls on the EU and its Member States to request an international arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro for crimes against humanity for all the serious human rights violations he has committed.”
La propuesta condena “en los términos más enérgicos posibles los asesinatos, hostigamientos, violaciones y detenciones contra la oposición democrática al régimen y el pueblo venezolano; exige la liberación inmediata e incondicional de todas las personas detenidas política y arbitrariamente, en particular los menores de edad”.
Tras recordar que en mayo de 2024, la UE levantó las sanciones como gesto de buena voluntad contra los miembros del CNE, los populares europeos subrayan que esta acción “no produjo ningún efecto positivo” y piden que se restablezcan.
Finalmente, insta a los actores regionales a que ejerzan toda la presión posible sobre el régimen de Maduro y su círculo íntimo para que acepten la voluntad democrática del pueblo venezolano y reconozcan también a González Urrutia como presidente legítimo y democráticamente elegido de Venezuela.
El Grupo del PPE en la Eurocámara está convencido de que si no se produce una transferencia pacífica del poder y el restablecimiento de la democracia el 10 de enero de 2025, se producirá un nuevo éxodo migratorio hacia los demás países de la región, similar al que ha llevado a cerca de 8 millones de venezolanos a huir del país en los últimos años.
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