Science and Tech

In Mexico, 41% of parents report that their children suffer from cyberbullying

In Mexico, 41% of parents report that their children suffer from cyberbullying

According to Mexican minors, among all forms of cyberbullying, the most frequent is that related to physical appearance, since 45% said they had suffered this type of attack, which was linked to their way of dressing, lifestyle and their friends.

Many stated that they talk to their friends about cyberbullying (71%), which places them among the most in the world. However, they admitted that they hide cyberbullying from their parents.

Although there are tools within social networks to report abusive practices, Espinosa points out that sometimes they are not used out of shame or shame, so she encourages parents to talk with their children and trust each other so that they do not delete the comments.

According to the report, 93% of Mexican parents stated that they were more concerned about cyberbullying this year than last year, compared to 72% in the rest of the world, making them the most concerned globally.

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