Science and Tech

Google Search now includes links to Wayback Machine to check old versions of a web page

Google Search now includes links to Wayback Machine to check old versions of a web page

September 12 (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has allied with Internet Archive to display older versions of web pages in search engine results via a link to the Wayback Machine service.

The technology giant retired in February the possibility of checking a previous version of a certain page through the cached recorda feature that also made it easier to access a website if it was experiencing loading problems.

He also shared his interest in collaborating with Internet Archive to provide the service that users were losing in the Search Engine, which this Wednesday has materialized with the incorporation of Wayback Machine links.

Wayback Machine “gives access to Billions of archived web pagesensuring that the digital record remains accessible for future generations,” the organization said in a statement. Press release.

Its director, Mark Graham, has highlighted that this service “has been Preserving snapshots of the public web for over 25 years“This digital time capsule transforms our ‘current’ browsing into a journey through Internet history. And now, it’s just a click away from Google search results, opening a portal to a richer, fuller web – one that remembers what others have forgotten,” he added.

Links to old versions of a web page are available on the three-point menu which is displayed next to the results of a search in Search Engine, within ‘More about this page’.

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