Science and Tech

Astro Bot: A tribute to the history of PlayStation

Astro Bot: A tribute to the history of PlayStation

In this new title, Team Asobi has created a true homage to the history of the console and its most iconic games. I had the chance to talk to Jamie Smith, Lead Animation Director at Team Asobi, about the creation of the game, its animations and how much fun it was to develop a title like this.

“We tried to make Astro’s movements feel like a child, expressing all of their emotions without reservation. When they’re happy, they can’t hold back, and they show it through their body language,” Jamie said of the inspiration behind making the character’s animation so lifelike and expressive. That emotional connection with the player is key for a character like Astro.

Another aspect that resonates with gamers, especially PlayStation fans, are the nods to the console’s history and the “VIP Robots” that appear throughout the game. These characters are based on iconic protagonists, such as Kratos from God of War, Aloy from Horizon, Jak, Nathan Drake and even characters from LocoRoco. “My favorite was the one from The Last Guardian,” Jamie added.

“I worked on the original version, and being able to include it here was like coming full circle. The entire team has animators who worked on the original games, and we drew on that experience to make the cameos feel genuine and authentic.”

The title is a platformer where you can really feel the love for the video game universe from the entire development team. With a bigger challenge this time, as Astro’s story is presented in a full game with several worlds to explore, bosses in each level, and special abilities that will make the experience unique. Jamie shared his favorite ability: “Astro can make himself really small in a level. You can only use this power once, and the entire level design revolves around this special power. You can switch between being small or big depending on the situation.”

It is also accessible to players of all ages, from children to veterans, as everyone will find the right challenge for their skills. The game lasts approximately five hours, although if you decide to platinum it, it will take you much longer.

Although there have not been multiple Astro Boy titles exclusively for the PlayStation, his iconic “android child” design has influenced several video game franchises, especially titles that explore themes of artificial intelligence and morality, such as Detroit: Become Human.

Astro Boy’s presence on the PlayStation has helped maintain his relevance in gaming culture, introducing him to new generations. His impact on the action-platforming genre is undeniable, and he remains an icon in both anime and manga, with a brief but notable foray into the world of PlayStation.

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