economy and politics

The BOE publishes the appointment of Soledad Núñez as the new deputy governor of the Bank of Spain

The BOE publishes the appointment of Soledad Núñez as the new deputy governor of the Bank of Spain

It also includes the appointments of Lucía Rodríguez and Jordi Pons as new advisors to the organization.

September 11 () –

The Official State Gazette (BOE) published on Wednesday the appointment of economist Soledad Núñez as the new deputy governor of the Bank of Spain and her resignation as a non-executive member of the Governing Council of the institution.

The BOE also reports the dismissal of the former deputy governor, Margarita Delgado, and the appointment of Lucía Rodríguez and Jordi Pons as new directors of the Bank of Spain.

The publication of these appointments in the BOE follows their approval by the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, and they fill the vacancies at the Bank of Spain, which has been headed since last week by José Luis Escrivá.

Soledad Núñez Ramos holds a degree in Economics from the Complutense University and a PhD in Economics from the University of Minnesota (United States). She has worked as an economist at the Bank of Spain for more than 20 years.

Specifically, she has been a director of the Bank of Spain and a member of its executive committee since 2018. In this capacity, she participated in the decision-making process on all matters related to the powers of the Bank of Spain during that period.

Since joining the Bank of Spain as an economist in 1987, he has worked in the Directorates General of Operations, Markets and Payment Systems and Economics and Statistics.

From 2015 to 2018, when she was appointed as a member of the Bank’s Board of Directors, she worked as a senior advisor in the Directorate General of Financial Stability, Regulation and Supervision of the Bank of Spain.

Throughout her career, she has also worked in politics, having held the position of Director General of Economic Policy at the Economic Office of the Presidency of the Government between May 2004 and February 2005, during the mandate of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

She subsequently served as Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy until the end of 2011. During this period, she was Vice-President of the European Union’s Financial Services Committee and a member of various international forums, such as the Analytical Group of Vulnerabilities of the Financial Stability Board or the High Level Group of Crisis Management.

She was also an external member of the ECB’s Target 2 system committee between 2012 and 2015, when she was appointed director of Banco Madrid.

In 2012, the PSOE proposed to the PP – then in government – the name of Soledad Núñez for the position of deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, under the mandate of Luis María Linde.

However, the Popular Party did not look favourably on this appointment due to its links to the previous Executive and Fernando Restoy Lozano was chosen to fill the post, who was vice-president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).


For her part, the new minister, Lucía Rodríguez, is a civil servant of the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists. A graduate in Law and Business Administration, she has been, to date, Deputy Director General of Public Debt at the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), responsible for analysing the sustainability of public finances and monitoring the European fiscal framework.

Previously, she was a member of the Board of Directors of Aguas de las Cuencas Mediterráneas (Acuamed) and the Cybersecurity Institute (Incibe), as well as an advisor in the cabinet of the Minister of Economy and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño.

At the European level, she worked for four years as a national expert in the tax policy unit of the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs and Finance of the European Commission. She has also been a member of the Task Force of experts of the European Policy Center to Rethink the Economic Governance of the European Union.

Lucía Rodríguez was also Deputy Assistant Director General of Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics, a unit responsible for estimating the macroeconomic impact of economic policy decisions, such as structural reforms or tax reforms, in dynamic general equilibrium models.

Jordi Pons Novell holds a PhD in Economics and is a professor of Applied Economics at the University of Barcelona. Between January 2007 and February 2022 he was a trustee of the Sindicatura de Comptes de Catalunya, the external auditing body for the accounts, economic management and financial control of the public sector of Catalonia.

His research activity has focused, firstly, on the analysis of time series, economic indicators and prediction methods and, secondly, on the analysis of the consequences of globalization on social inequalities and the welfare state.

The results of the work carried out have been published in books and scientific journals such as ‘Journal of Economic Geography’, ‘Cliometrica’, ‘Journal of Forecasting’, ‘Journal of Regional Science’, ‘Regional Studies’, ‘Journal of Economic History’, ‘Health Economics’ and ‘Journal of Urban Technology’.

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