Science and Tech

The mystery of the cosmos: how close are we to finding life on other planets?


Are we alone in the universe? This is a question that science has been trying to decipher for decades. And although the possibility of life existing on other planets has not yet been confirmed, analyses in the field of astrobiology have given way to a broader view of the subject.

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The question is still not entirely resolved, so we asked ChatGPT what evidence suggests that life could flourish beyond our planet.

To do this, the tool relied on recent scientific data, starting with what is known as habitable zones. According to the AI, exoplanets located in the so-called ‘goldilocks’ zones They have the ability to hold liquid watera key ingredient for life.

In this sense, observations from telescopes such as Kepler and James Webb have identified thousands of exoplanets in habitable zones.

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Now, returning to the subject of water, Mars and moons of Saturn and Jupiter, such as Europa and Enceladus, have shown evidence of the existence of this resource in their soil, either in liquid form under their surface or as vapor. The platform also highlights that various studies have also found organic molecules in comets, asteroids and in the atmosphere of some moons and planets.

Artificial intelligence also mentions that organisms called extremophiles have been discovered on Earth that live in extreme conditions such as ocean hydrothermal vents, acid lakes, or in ice. This suggests that life could survive under similar conditions on other planets or moons.

“The search for life beyond our planet remains one of the greatest scientific challenges. Despite advances, we have yet to find definitive evidence. As we continue to explore and refine our detection tools, each new discovery brings us closer to answering that eternal question.”he concludes.

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