economy and politics

The PP praises Escrivá when he was appointed to the Airef: “He has the ideal profile”

The PP praises Escrivá when he was appointed to the Airef: “He has the ideal profile”

At the beginning of 2014, José Luis Escrivá was working at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel. Before that, he had worked at BBVA and had been head of the Monetary Policy Division of the European Central Bank. A CV that seemed adequate to the Government of Mariano Rajoy at that time, which proposed him, in February of that year, as president of the recently created Airef (Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility), an independent body designed to guarantee budgetary stability. The PP, which defended his suitability at the time, now believes that the new president of the Bank of Spain will cause “disrepute” to the institution.

The PP Executive noticed Escrivá because of his CV and his preparation. This was evident in the Finance Committee in Congress, which ratified his appointment on February 20, 2014. PP deputy Ana María Madrazo considered that his profile was “suitable” and that it was supported by his “professional career,” according to the minutes of the sessions of that day.

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