
The remake of this PlayStation exclusive has not yet debuted and there are already layoffs at the studio that developed it

Until Dawn remake hasn't debuted yet, but there are already layoffs at the studio

Layoffs, studio closures, delays, and cancellations remain the norm this year, just as they were in 2023, but in recent days it’s emerged that there appears to be a new wave of cuts taking place before games even debut, meaning the business outcome is irrelevant to keeping jobs. Today, layoffs were reported at a studio working on a remake of a former PlayStation 4 exclusive.

Layoffs reported at Ballistic Moon, studio behind the remake of Until Dawn

According to a report by Insider-Gaming, An unknown number of Ballistic Moon workers were laid off a few weeks before the release of his most recent project: the remake of Until Dawna PS4 exclusive originally developed by Supermassive Games. This follows a series of posts from Ballistic Moon employees, who revealed on their LinkedIn profiles that they were cut by the studio and are now looking for new job opportunities.

Until Dawn remake hasn’t debuted yet, but there are already layoffs at the studio

Layoffs at the remake studio Until Dawn They draw attention because the video game will be released on October 4 on PlayStation 5 and PCThe testimonies confirming the news are from developers and programmers, all of them surprised by the decision, which confirms that they were not there for a particular project.

A similar case recently occurred with the study that developed Visions of ManaOuka Studios, since during its debut it was revealed that most of the company was fired and only a few operational positions were kept to take care of the RPG’s post-release and some other pending issues. Sadly, it is also said that the studio will close, so we are facing new cases of staff cuts that go beyond the results in the market.

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